Bleah, it was so hot in the afternoon... 90 degrees - crazy. o.O; And since we don't have air conditioning (sadly) we went to our uncles house to beat the heat.
I made a fiver on a house of cards there. =DDD
Then we went to In-N-Out, Albertsons, and the mall. AC is so wonderful... and now at home - it's so warm and cozy. Too bad it's not winter. xD;; Now, off I go to watch iRobot. xD
You're Eva, the Super Moderator. You're really nice and kind to
everyone. Plus, you like pretty ponies, which is always a good
thing. :) You're pretty weird at times, but then, who isn't? You
get along with everyone and always have the right things to say. :3
*rides away on a pretty pony*
Which of PC's Higher Staff are you? <3
Ooh, and I got a new deviantart account. Go there, and stuff. xD
[EDIT] Stole this from Jorge, who stole this from Jake. x3
A complex personality, you appeal only to two kinds of people - those who accept everything at face value and, most importantly, those who deeply understand the greater things you believe in. Skeptics are hard to win over, but those who like you will respect you forever.
What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You? ...o.O;