I've been thinking again (bad idea).
If Disney were to ever make another Princess!Whatever movie, series, cup holders, blah blah, etc. I'm not going to like it. It's just going to be odd for me, maybe slightly annoying. Let's face it the classics OWN our little hearts. I don't want to see a little eight year old girl running around and pretending to be Princess *INSERT COLOR/COMPLEXION/SEASON/PLANT-ish NAME*
Though there's something attractive about the idea of Princess/Prince/Knight/Monarch romance. Even after all these years I still want to see some Romance based on that field (nothing het, of course). It's just amusing.
I will now point to characters/people I want to see/read in that situation.
1. Harry/Draco - There are just not enough fics out there. PLEASE WRITE MORE AUTHORS, THANK YOU! ^___^
2. Peter/Edmund - Those brothers gave incest a new meaning. LOVE.
3. Prince William/Prince Harry - Yeah, I'm now officially illegal in England. >.>
Jennavere INTERVIEW, she's sooo much love!