So I'm NOT calling it a bullet journal because I'm stilly that way. But it is. ;-D I couldn't find an exact picture of what mine looks like, but this is basically it. Each week is spread over 2 pages. Mine is slightly different from this picture--it has blank lines for entries (it looks like this one has times?). So, basically, 3 columns per page and then just a small square on the second page for Sunday, which works for me. And there a 2-page monthly calendar at the beginning of each month, with lines for a list which is where I write down no-deadline things I need to accomplish.
I really like the idea of migrating items that aren't completed. And I like the little symbols to designate what the item is. The main thing I'm changing is that I'm crossing out what I finish, instead of using an X symbol. I like crossing things off. The only thing the bullet journal instructions said about this was that crossing out items makes them hard to read? Well only if you cross them out with multiple lines. I like a single, maybe double cross-out line. Makes me feel accomplished. If I had to look hard to see if there's an X box there, I'd probably either miss it or forget what the X stands for.
Curious if I follow through on this all year. I can see myself getting discouraged with all the migrating (moving items to the next week or month) that I'll probably end up doing. And even more frustrated if I forget to look at the damn thing every day!
My daily sections have enough lines (I just counted -- 32!) that I can fit my daily stuff, my Master Gardener stuff, and Writing stuff there. I have a 4-color pen, but haven't picked out colors yet to use for different things. I'd like to have different colors for appointments so they stand out, or some kind of sectioning with the different categories, but we'll see how that turns out as I get more comfortable with a system.
I also had tons of fun looking at pinterest and online for different formats and free templates and cute stickers and stuff. Here's my Journal Page if you're interested.
PAM ON PINTEREST Next year I might just buy a binder and get creative, but that would probably be a time dump for me and then I'd get burned out.