Aug 01, 2006 20:36
okay i figured now is the time for an update.
now that i don't have school stress or anything like that around me...i'm much happier than i was before but i know that as soon as it gets closer to results time, my stress level will rise and i will probably stick my head in the oven or something equally stupid.
my personal life is a bit calm/all over the place right now so it's a bit hard to explain. having to deal with feelings for J and K and my ex A is a bit crazy so i'm going to break it down.
J = taken = no way in hell
K = an ass who i adore = a possibility if we ever have the conversation
A = my ex = major chemistry but we know each other too well = in 3 weeks me might try again
Brotherhood is my new fave show but is only available to people living in the united states. it's utter bullshit but in my head i say "whatever" to it all.
i've benn writing a bit but i spend most of my time talking out the situation i'm going to portray rather than write it down. been doing a lot of fan fiction for Brotherhood and i've recently started thinking about Battlestar Galactica and Dead Like Me.
basically it's been the lazy days of summer which is filled with drama when i am around my friends. i hope the drama is done. the petty grudge that a certain someone has against me is very blah and not really in my head. all i care about are my possessions, some of which she has had for 3 years. i am NOT amused that she has refused to give them back to me even though i have asked repeatedly before our altercation. i am going to call her on the phone and arrange a day to come to her house and collect my belongings. i don't care if it fuels her anger or hatred or whatever, all i know is that i want my shit back. :D
Peace Out Gangsta (*giggles*)