Jan 22, 2004 21:44
So....yea. well i really don't have much to post about tonight. rehersal was good. Some dude from juliard school of performing arts was there. yea he came late. really late. just like a movie star big shot dude. lol.
So when i was sitting back just watching, it actually look decently well. and the musical sounds good too. so thats always a plus.
SO tommorow. i'll probably sleep lol. then i have to go to dance class. then i wanna go to the basketball game. probably with the kangas'. or by myself lol. i don't know. then i'm suposed to go to this lockin at my church youth group. Here's the funny part about that. so far, the only thing they have planned about this lockin, is that they will have food. other than that, i'm not sure what they are doing. and they have this thing about splitting the guys and girls up after midnight, which is totally bullshit. we're in a church. we're not gonna be having sex in the freakin' church. lol. besides, wouldn't be messin with any of the girls with my church anyway. most of them have a few....issues. cool people, not at all gf material though. so i know that i have to go to dance class. the lockin and basketball game are still kinda sketchy on whether or not i'll be makin it to those.
OOOH YEAH!! renee's running lines on sunday. ha! i have like 10 of my lines memorized. but i counted, and i only have like 60 lines total, and they are really short and obvious lines. so it's all good. well i'm gonna go.
holla @ cha boy!!