Points for the day...

May 02, 2009 23:53

Major dork point from yesterday:
  • Attended a lecture given by the inventor of the PCR machine. Interesting topic about his new immunogenic drug, but like I expected the guy was out of it and clearly pointed it out himself.
Several dorky points from today:
  • Went museum hopping today with John (Yah that's right).
  • Went to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Expected it to be weak, but ended up impressed, and had way more fun than I thought I would. Babbage was the man. 
  • Went to Stanford
  • Got lost in Stanford
  • Went to the Hubert Hoover Memorial for a WWII war exhibit at Stanford. Small, but still interesting. 
  • People watched/mocked.
  • ACCIDENTALLY walked into the men's bathroom at the AMC Mercado. 
Redeeming points:
  • Kicked butt in brain age ( This is grey area).
  • Watched X-men Origins. It was pretty good. Why they call him Logan...I do not know.
  • Now owns two maps for the Stanford Campus.
  • I know the meaning behind THACO ( a loss to some, but a win to me!
Incase you were wondering it is usually this unbalanced. And yes there are pictures.
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