(no subject)

May 01, 2005 10:44

This was posted today by Dusty... you know sometimes we get caught up in our own self induced muck....We forget about the simple things in life and the blessings we all have in this life time... 10 years ago Dusty lost someone close to him... a friend named Bill---
Thanks Baby fo sharing

"bill dealt with his own depression as well as the hate and fear that homophobia throws your way for a number of years before he grew too tired to take anymore. years ago, bill's mother created a website for her son and his story which you can view at: http://www.youth-guard.org/gabi/index.html if you are interested in hearing more.

i wanted to suggest though, that you take just a moment to remember those you have loved and those you have lost. and to remember to cherish what you have with those who are still here.

so to bill… who was sensitive and funny. who didn't always bathe (haha) and had a tendency to make all the wrong decisions with regards to his heart. whom i love, and i miss..."
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