Jan 01, 2005 04:45
I found this is Sam's journal... I hope you dont' mind if I borrow it!
(Kindergarden) Jerry Thomas Elementary. My teacher was Mrs. West... I used out run out of school everyday screaming b/c I hated is so much. Once I locked myself in some random person's car once b/c I didn't want to be there. I started girl scouts a year before this..... that's when I met Jessie.
(First Grade) J.T.E... teacher - Mrs. Bondanese... that's about all I remember from that year.
(Second Grade) J.T.E... teacher - Mrs. Mincey. She was crazy... this was the year I won the Science Fair for my wonderful display of the comparisons of different brands of crayons... yeah, I know.
(Third Grade) J.T.E... teacher - Mrs. Day... she hated me.. definitely hated me
(Fourth Grade) J.T.E... teacher - Mrs. Steele... Razzle Dazzle was this year. I did a report on Rabbits, and my dad brought in his rabbit for my presentation.
(Fifth Grade) J.T.E... teachers - Mr. Kanabe/Ms. Laser... This was the year that Mr Kanabe decided to totally ditch us and leave the entire class to some totally insane new teacher.
(Sixth Grade) yeah Jupiter Middle... it sucks alot... I was on the Sharks team... enough said
(Seventh Grade) J.M.S... I was put into all of my honors classes. I got Mr Taylor for Alg... picture this.. I gay Englishman with crooked teeth (and a matching crooked mustache) and he wore thongs... only... yikes.
(Eighth Grade) J.M.S the summer before I started 8th grade my best friend died... so needless to say 8th grade year sucked, a lot... I worked at Publix, my first real job and I was 14.
(Ninth Grade) haha..... my first year in Jupiter High School... when the kid set the bathroom on fire, that was good. Skipping behind the pianos (very few people know what that means)... and this year I learned how to inject Heroin in health class without it stinging so much.... glad they tought me that, I was so worried about the burning... and my first year on the undefeated bowling team... what mother fuckers.
(Tenth Grade) J.H.S. my mom was diagnosed with cancer... and her and John started dating... I also worked at Boston Market...
(Eleventh Grade) J.H.S nothing to exciting happened this year.... I got my lisence in August and my first car accident in December... then I got my van (the Shaggin' Wagon). I took Psychology this which was extrememly hard but my favorite class... but my it was with my favorite teacher ever (Ms. B), so it's cool. I also met Jeff the summer before 11th grade started... then we started going out in March of my 11th grade year... and broke up in Juy
(Twelfth Grade) wow, so many things have already happened. First... my van broke down in September... still isn't fixed. My mom got Married in October. I stopped talking to Sarah C in like Aug/Sept (thank god). My two sisters brother-in-law neice and nephew all move back down here... it's been a good year... so far.