May 25, 2005 18:13
I saw the recruiter today. He answered the questions I had. He told me stuff I need to know. I have to score a minumum of 50 on the ASVAB test so I went to Barnes and Nobles and picked up a study guide for it. I took a practice test at the recruitment center. He said that I need to score a 45 on it because people usually score 5 more on the full length ASVAB. I scored a 48 on it. I need to brush up on my math. I did well on the Word Knowledge and Paragragh Comprehension. It's just my math skills that are lacking. I'm taking the full length ASVAB on Tuesday. I'm reading the book right now. I'll be studying every day at every moment I'm not working untill then. If I get a qualifying score then I'm off to LA to talk to more people and get a medical evaluation. They'll see there if I qualify. The recruiter officer today asked me a bunch of medical questions and I have nothing worng with me so my chances of getting in are good if I get a qualifying score of course. I have no traffic violations. I've never been arrested. So being a good girl may have done me well. So if all goes well I will go into the Delayed Entry Program(DEP). I wouldn't actually leave for Boot Camp for 9 months to a year which would give me time to finish out the lease on my apartment, finish out the contract on my cell phone, take a couple of classes in the fall, and also time to work out and get into shape. They have a program to help get you into shape. I'd also attend DEP mettings. I don't know when I'll tell my family in Napa about all of this. I don't think I'd tell them untill after I'm accepted if I get accepted. Because if I don't get accepted there's no reason to worry my family for nothing. Especially my mother. If I do get accepted I don't think I'd tell her untill a few months afterwards.