Aug 09, 2007 23:28
I'm in a torrent of emotions right now, and all of them relate to happiness, ecstasy, determination, you name something positive and I've got it.
I'm psyched for band camp. I mean, it's basically a half and half thing. I'm SO PUMPED to meet my friends, meet new people, just go crazy and have fun and just ROCK OUT!
At the same time....I LOVE screaming. I LOVE marching. I LOVE playing my alto and going into that world where somehow, despite the fact I'm still aware of the people around me, they just....melt into the background. I LOVE that feeling I get when I hit those notes right and am snappy. I LOVE chicken winnngs. I LOVE trying to guide, because I'm not good at it, and hopefully it'll get better. I LOVE those rehearsals where we sit and play, and I let the music just WASH over me. Like, almost drown me, and it sends shivers all over my neck and it's SUCH A GOOD FEELING.
I love campfires and long nights and parades and the cadences.
And hopefully, I'll love it all over again, and then some. I don't care if I don't sound great at alto (actually I do, but not to the point where I'll practice), I don't care if I'm some freaky nerd (haaaas), but I DO care about giving this band my all.
But I did not like Nutting's almost-ranting speech on excused absences....even if he didn't direct it towards certain people, it certainly felt like it.