
Apr 28, 2007 17:27

i'm suppose to be doing a job search right now, but as usual i get sidetracked very easily. i'm sad that i'm not in LA right now, hanging out with mike as i usually do on saturdays. i figured i should do some laundry and most important of all, look for a new job. this is depressing. i've been working at this bookstore for 8 years now. it started as a part time job while i was in college and has evolved into a full time job now that i'm out of college. i figured i'd stick around for a little bit since i'm pretty comfortable there, but now it is the time to say goodbye. i can't believe how much manual labor i do there. my lower back has a dull ache right now from lifting 55 pound boxes of magazines. i did some cupping on it earlier and now i have purple bruises all over the place.

cupping is great. i like to freak out people who are unfamiliar with it by showing them the results. it usually gets compared to a huge hickey which i think is funny. most people think it's crazy, but i think it helps. if i weren't in pain and did the cupping, my skin wouldn't be purple at all.

oh yeah, the whole job thing sucks. i saw this book called, "strapped." it's about how people in their 20s and earlier 30s are screwed with the way life is going and it's not their fault! yay! it's not my fault! some key points of the book were that a bachelor's degree is the new ged, people get into debt by going to college, stagnant wages and sucky benefits, and the rising cost of living. it sucks that people in my age bracket are going to have a hard time buying a home, raising a family , and getting out of debt. how depressing.

i know a lot of people who didn't go to college and the vibe i feel from them is that they get shit about not going. i tell them:

hey, college isn't for everyone. it doesn't guarantee you shit. plus, most of the majors are pretty stupid anyway. take for instance my major. i went undeclared for a few years because i couldn't make up my mind what i wanted to do. how are you suppose to know that what you want to do is right for you or what it really is like? also, there are other things out there that you might not know about. all i knew was
the typical : lawyer, teacher, doctor, and dentist. i majored in art. general studio art which means it is good for teaching and i don't want to teach. i'm not really into computers so i didn't do graphic design. then you have to do internships which usually don't pay and who can get by without pay? it's that or you have to have years of experience. plus, companies don't want to pay their employees well. they want cheap help so they can have a bigger profit. i've heard of stories of companies getting rid of their long time staff to hire new faces so they could pay them less. it's also harder if you're living out your own and you're not getting help from your parents.

a lot of the times, i just want to live on a farm or in the woods, away from the stress that society puts on us. i can't believe how many prescription pill commercials i see now. high costs of medicine and health care. it's all for money too. i was looking at the food pyramid and i totally disagree with it. i noticed when i eat a lot of bread/carbohydrates, i feel like shit. i think people should eat more raw vegetables and fruits. i don't understand why meat is so cheap. it doesn't make sense that eating meat is cheaper than eating vegetables. i think it's a scam to make more people eat more meat so they can get sick and spend more money on health care. eating well is like an investment. you pay more money for better foods, but in the end you save money by not being sick and in and out of the hospital. i read somewhere that the government subsidizes money on meat. it takes a lot more
money to feed and take care of animals to raise as food than it does to grow food.
more people can be fed if we didn't eat meat since a lot of it goes to feed the animals.also, there's the pollution factor too. i think that meat is used to make people sick. it tastes good and people love to eat meat so they pump it with hormones and whatever else we don't know about. it's all a conspiracy.
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