Definitely one of the better videos I've seen in a while: I would rant about how everything's going down the shitter but what's the point? It's not gonna change the fact that teachers won't be getting paid this month.
Oh yeah, for those not in the know, the State isn't paying their public school teachers this month.
What happened was the State ran out of money, Granholm tried to raise taxes, the Republicans said Make us, and she ran off like a little *****. Note to Granholm: you wanna raise taxes, stop paying the reps and Senators until you get your way. I'm sure you got enough executive power to do that.
And if the courts come after you, you got two very important cards in your back pocket:
1. You're the governor. Use some leverage to tie them in knots for a couple years.
2. YOU'RE A FREAKIN' LAWYER! You're supposed to be good at tying the courts in knots, right?
In her defense, it's not all her fault. She does have the GOP running the House and Senate, making it difficult for her to do anything. And those guys could care less about public schools, sending their kids to private schools all the way through college and going to a weekend home somewhere in the north (which they probably had to sell to continue living in their huge homes, not quite mansions; well, some might be).
The main problem has been funding. Before the lottery paid for basically everything, the larger districts had a better hold on there finances. Then came the "Robin Hood Proposal", stealing money from the better funded districts, like Dearborn, and put it into other districts. Hell, some of the money didn't even go to schools.
The other problem is a lack of respect from anyone who isn't a teacher. You get parents complaining about bad grades and going above the teachers head to change their kids grade, despite the fact that their kid might just suck or they didn't do the work (Maybe they watched too MTV and didn't do their math; while they're at it, they'll probably yell at the gym teacher about their kid's asthma; here's an idea: instead of yelling at the teacher for your kid not doing their homework, get rid of that TV in the kids room...and put out that cigarette). Then you got politicians constantly talking about how they want to change education. Well, not a damn thing happens until they get desperate. They go up and talk about how they will focus on "reading, writing, science, and arithmatic."
......For all of you who are gonna be teachers, pay attention. Michigan has fucked up when it comes to education. After you graduate, just get out of Michigan. Get out and don't come back.
Now for something a bit lighter: for all hockey fans: finally, for crazy Sci-fi fans: