I'm home after a long week, happy it's the weekend, listening to my new "The Curse Of Kill Hannah" cd and reading my friends list/twitter/facebook.
Caught the news on Twitter of yet another theft from a touring band in Philadelphia, this time Winnipeg band Inward Eye. Read about it
here. See my previous posts about Kill Hannah for more on that.
Then I read, from two different people on my friends list, about what happened to
Dr. Peter Watts.
What the fuck?
I don't even know where to start with this, I'm so pissed off.
Links to more news, blogs and discussions about this:
http://www.boingboing.net/2009/12/11/dr-peter-watts-canad.html http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/011966.html#011966 http://coffeeem.livejournal.com/135558.html http://anghara.livejournal.com/434255.html?nc=3 http://papersky.livejournal.com/453493.html http://papersky.livejournal.com/453872.html