What a crappy week I have had and it started last Wednesday!
As some of you know, I have been plagued by migraines since my son was born. In the past, I have been able to take medicne and they go away. That was not the case last Wednesaday! I was driving home from work when my vision went wacky; I live 5 mins from work. I got home, took meds and laid down . Needless to say, it got WORSE. Threw up the medicine and my head hurt sooo much more I thought I would pass out. My 7 year old called my mother, hubbie was working, to come up because she was scared. Long story short.
1. went to hospital
2. shot with liquid fire in the butt 3 times
3. sent home in a drug drunk
4. don't remember the night or next day
5. slept 35 hours
Do any of my LJ flist have migraines? Hubbie thinks it my be the ortho-cyclene. Nope not going off that. Everytime I have been off it I've been pregnant. It is not that I would not want or love another child but pregnancy for me was a horrible experience. Labor easy--- Preggers nightmare!
Friday-- I amazing went to work and functioned.
Saturday-- Since hubbie was working the midnight shift, the kids and I decided to go out and enjoy the week-end. We went to my mom's, cousin's and finally our neighbor's house. We got home around 4:00 and everyone seemed tired but healthy. In the time we walked into the house and up the stairs, Daniel started running a fever. He went in our family room and layed down with a blanket. Long story short, he was diagnosed Sunday with Strep and Monday with Scarlet Fever. He seems to be doing better today but still running a fever.
Do we have a black rain cloud hanging over us???? This has been the worse year for sickness!
Other news, school is almost over!! 25 days left! yeahhh!!
I hope all my LJ friends are doing well. Drop me a line.
This is a pic of my kids. I hope you can see this.