L'aura/Elisa myspaces ^_^

May 28, 2007 17:18

June 8th... new album is called Demian.

This is her official myspace: http://www.myspace.com/elleapostrofoaura

You can also listen to her new song, Non è Una Favola!

Plus, finally Elisa has her own myspace... It's not done by her, but at least by italian fans: http://www.myspace.com/elisatoffoli

Guess there's no reason to say this is updated as it's done by italian fans... and in fact just look at the player ^_^... the one from Los Angeles was nice yea but rarely updated! Plus what could a girl from USA do, when they don't even know who Elisa is there?

Thought you wanted to know about these.


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