Nov 04, 2004 08:26
I worked a 13 hour shift Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Wasn't bad, I was covering for Farmer...that and he kinda sucks as a server so I was happy to let him go home. He's a good kid, and I know his roommates pretty well (Aleta, Jimmie, and Lauren), but business is just that, and he sucks at serving. I made close to $90 for the shift so I'm happy. My apologies to Bethany for not going to your shindig that night, but I was tired and after working that shift yesterday, I'm glad I stayed home and slept. Hope you had a good time and a great birthday! Anywho, I'm off to mull around for a couple hours and then I'm gonna try and find my way to Ray Wiley Guitars...cause I need to find what bass I want to get. I was gonna get a Fender American Standard...but it's $1000 or so and I could get a Fender Standard Jazz AND P-bass for about $ yeah, thinking about doing that. I'd buy the P-bass first cause they string spacing is wider so it's a good bass to learn proper slap pop on and stuff. That's all I've got...I work tonight, and then I'm off tomorrow, WOO-HOO!