Sep 24, 2004 04:02
So tonight was my third night at the diner, and I really really like it there. There's one group of guys that came in and started yelling my name out as soon as they saw me, it was cool. I've seen several repeat customers, and so far using Muzzy has been a huge hit, Diane even put Muzzy on my name tag. I've had a problem here or there, i've spilled a cup of water at the soda station, one at a table (which didn't get anyone thankfully), and I've dropped a plate off a tray cause expo overloaded me, which I should have checked for but at least I've learned from that cause now every time I check to make sure I can handle the tray. My tips have been pretty good, good enough that I'm most likely going to quit Brookstone...that and Maria sucks and always schedules me to work the morning after I work at the diner. I got complimented by Ryan tonight, he was the manager for the dining floor, I told him that I picked up two more shifts and he told me that's great because I'm good at serving and they need more people like me. He even told me I should work six days...but I'm not gonna jump that quickly yet, let's see what happens with Brookstone first. Alright I have to give mad props to this one guy, I can never remember his name but he is so awesome, the guy that busses tables on the nights that I've worked. That man is on the ball and totally awesome. Other than that there's not much I can say, so far everyone I've worked with has been awesome, and very helpful on the occasions when I've been given something to do that I have no experience with. Anywho it's bed time for me, I gotta get up at 8am to get Ali to class and so I can get to on that. Night all.