Caffine no good for sleep.

Jun 07, 2006 04:07

I worked today from 6PM to 2AM and I'd say from about 3PM until 1:30 AM I had probably 5 cups of coffee. Now I feel like I just sniffed some cocaine because I want to sleep, but I'm not ready.

I got an email from my Alaskan Seestah Lydia saying that she wants to come to NY in August and stay with me. Woah. The amount of fun and trouble that's brewing up in my mind is absolutely insane.

It's so nice to have all my babies back home and partying. I've been having a RIDICULOUS amount of fun with Rita at the gym "skiing" on the elipticles (no clue if that's the right spelling.) Oh man never did I think running like a maniac on an excersize machine would be so hilarious. Oh Rita, you are my lobster.

Going to the mall with Suejean and Mallory was mucho fun, and having playdates with Suejean and Bella (and me and Dobby) are more fun than I'd ever like to admit.

Even though Jamie was trapped in Pittsburgh for a while (you know stuck in the twilight zone) it's nice to have him around to play with. Hot yoga.

And Mallory? I mean come on. Mallory is life. The end.

Tomorrow I'm doing Amanda's makeup for her Prom. I feel like a proud Mommy. I'm also doing Gemini and her friend Jodie...I just hope they don't come early because I will cry my eyes out. I highly doubt that later on I will be feeling all that caffinated. Oh yeah congratulations to Zac. How disgusting.

Surprisingly enough I've actually been upset that it's been on the cool side. I think a revolution is happening against my will, and I'm begininng to enjoy to hot weather. It's kind of good in a sense because I won't sit under the hot sun in Puerto Rico and sob because I can't punch the sun away.

Welp. I'm gonna go shake in my bed like an addict.
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