Title: Golden Boy
Rating: K
Genre: Character Study-ish
Cu/Au: CU
Characters: Tamaki-centric, vague mentions of almost everyone else
Warnings: I tried something new with the writing style. It might be a bit weird... There's some second person stuff going on in there... o_o I'm sort of scared what you guys will think.
Summary: You all think he's a golden boy, don't you?
Tamaki Suoh was the golden boy.
It was an undeniable fact. He glowed with enthusiasm, shined his love and charm onto all those in his path.
If you were Tamaki Suoh, you were one lucky man.
Another undeniable fact. All the girls loved Tamaki, and he had a group of 6 loyal, crazy, and pretty good-looking friends.
And of course, you'd never associate words like blue, gray, cold or dark, with Tamaki Suoh. Because, of course, that's not what Tamaki was.
He couldn't even be described in bright colors, like orange or purple. No, only one color could ever describe him - and that was the best. Gold.
And to everyone around him - at least, everyone at school - he seemed to be always smiling, always youthful, even a symbol of eternity, because you could depend on Tamaki Suoh to never change.
Tamaki brightened up people's days by greeting them in the hallway. He brought joy with two or three words. And though he could be slightly off the hook at times, he was still loved for it.
And no one ever saw the other side of him.
Tamaki Suoh is a lonely boy.
It's an undeniable fact. His mother lies sick in France, his father lives in a different house than he himself does, his grandmother thinks of him lower than the dirt in the garden.
If you are Tamaki Suoh, you are one sad man.
Another undeniable fact. For all the glamour and glitz he exuded at school, for all of his popularity, he only has one person to call when he lies in bed sleepless, tortured by nightmares.
And of course, if you see Tamaki Suoh, this side of Tamaki Suoh (the side that picks up a photograph of his mother and weeps), you won't hesitate to pile words like blue, gray, cold or dark on top of him, until he can't breathe for the heavy accusations and implications weighing on him.
But somehow (who knows how?), he is saved from this fate. He is rescued from being crushed by these black words.
The price he pays is to hold them all in his heart instead, and never let them out.
Such a pretty boy, a golden boy, you all think.
And you never realize how wrong you are.