Title: But My Eyes Still See Rating: K+ Genre: Family/Tragedy Cu/Au: Au Pairings or Characters: Hikaru, Kaoru, Mr & Mrs Hitachiin Warnings: n/a Summary: Should he tell them or should he keep cool?
So sad! why Yuzuha, why Mr. Hitachiin! WHYYYYYY. Don't seperate them, no.
Alright. over reactions aside. This felt very poignant, the way Hikaru found the number and then his mother was having an afair as well. And sadly enough, I could see this happpening. Yuzuha seems like a flirt. And Mr. Hitachiin is just an enigma.
By the way, I missed you. *glomps* I was excited when I saw you posted. Are you feeling better?
Song fic, sooorry! But look, you have a nice entry from our cheerful friend Nimash to pep you up ;)
I've missed you too! It's so frustrating, being behind with things. I have some time reserved just for you this weekend (after I watch "Source Code"), so you'll be hearing from me even more. Still have the cold, but it's getting better. You sound pretty healthy yourself!
Nimash's was fluffy, which made me feel better. :D
I'm just excited to see what you've been up to. I'm back to full health and back to my disney sunshiny world. HAHA. I eagerly await your email. *stares at computer screen*
Well, looking around on this fabulous sunny day, it seems as if I'm in a disney sunshiny world myself... Wait... No... Could it be...? Am I in your disney sunshiny world rather than the Emerald Isle with its pocketful of rainbows...? D:
It's actually sunny outside. Should I have a picnic instead of sitting like an emo inside the cinema? You're positively bursting with energy, Nic... I can FEEL it. You've definitely been writing! :O Tell me more soon!!
Comments 6
Alright. over reactions aside. This felt very poignant, the way Hikaru found the number and then his mother was having an afair as well. And sadly enough, I could see this happpening. Yuzuha seems like a flirt. And Mr. Hitachiin is just an enigma.
By the way, I missed you. *glomps* I was excited when I saw you posted. Are you feeling better?
Song fic, sooorry! But look, you have a nice entry from our cheerful friend Nimash to pep you up ;)
I've missed you too! It's so frustrating, being behind with things. I have some time reserved just for you this weekend (after I watch "Source Code"), so you'll be hearing from me even more. Still have the cold, but it's getting better. You sound pretty healthy yourself!
I'm just excited to see what you've been up to. I'm back to full health and back to my disney sunshiny world. HAHA. I eagerly await your email. *stares at computer screen*
It's actually sunny outside. Should I have a picnic instead of sitting like an emo inside the cinema? You're positively bursting with energy, Nic... I can FEEL it. You've definitely been writing! :O Tell me more soon!!
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