Title: Dear Diary
Rating: K
Genre: Reflective Humor
Cu/Au: CU
Pairings or Characters: Nekozawa
Warnings: Nothing
Summary: His final will and testament.
Dear diary,
Every day when I arrive at the black magic club I pour myself a cup of coffee as I await the arrival of any hopeful initiates. But on this particular day, as I lifted the cup and drank the burning, black drink, I found that something was different. I swallowed a few more mouthfuls before recognizing the newfound bitterness in taste.
Someone had poisoned my coffee!
I do not know who has such a grudge upon me, but ever since my first visit to the Host Club I have realized that murderers are everywhere, and I fear that this is to be my last entry.
And so, to my wonderful little sister Kirimi, I leave my cloak in the hopes that she will one day be able to wear it herself. Always remember that the darkness is more welcoming than the light.
To my beloved friend Tamaki, I leave all of my custom made voodoo dolls. May you find them useful in the years to come.
To my second in command, Reiko, I leave all of my scented candles. I know how much you love candles. Please do not share them with the boy that stole your soul.
And finally, last but not least, to my dear friend Belzeneff, I leave everything else. May you divide everything between yourself and Kirimi as you see fit, and please aid Reiko in presiding over the Black Magic Club. Between the two of you, the Black Magic Club should be able to rise above my untimely death and enroll more members than ever before.
Here I do bid my last requests, and pray to the darkness that you worship the death that has chosen to embrace me.
Umehito Nekozawa leaned back as he admired what was to be his last testament. Some parts were a bit crude, but he was sure that all would be forgiven when he passed on to a better place. As he was placing the diary in a convenient place on the table, Reiko and Hunny suddenly entered the room.
“Hey, Neko-chan!” Hunny called out.
Nekozawa glanced over with a somber expression on his face. “Hello, my friends. How good of you to come and visit me.”
Hunny bounded over to Nekozawa. “Tama-chan canceled our Host Club meeting, so Reiko invited me to sit in on the Black Magic Club instead! But…” Hunny looked around nervously, “it’s kind of dark…and scary…”
Nekozawa turned away with a strange, sad smile. “Changes are always scary, aren’t they? But the biggest change of all comes all too soon, so we should embrace the little changes. Yes, we should strive for change!”
Reiko’s expression didn’t change. “Is that why you’ve started drinking commoner’s coffee?” she asked, looking through her deck of cards.
Nekozawa stopped. “What do you mean?”
A slight hint of confusion showed in her face. “This morning, I came early to retrieve my shawl and noticed you switching out the regular coffee with commoners coffee…although, come to think of it, your cloak was more of a navy blue…”
Nekozawa stood with his mouth open, then turned just in time to see two suspicious, identical boys move quickly past the open doorway, snickering.