Title: Gravestone Blues
Rating: T
Genre: Tragedy, except that sounds really really depressingly sad. And it's not. I hope.
Pairings or Characters: ... Surprise? I have a feeling it'll ruin the effect if I give away who's who...
Warnings: Character death, one swear word again...
Summary: She had loved him too.
Gravestone Blues )
Y'know, that's actually a really good idea for a title. I had absolutely no ideas for a good title, and I knew this one felt a bit... Off. ^^' The epitaph is actually by Rossiter W. Raymond - I have a collection of obscure quotes by random people, and when I saw the prompt, I knew I had to use this one.
And the use of 'goddamnit' - I really wanted it to come across that Eclair was angry. She's angry at herself for crying, at herself for not treating Tamaki for kindly, at everyone for thinking she hated him, etc. She's furious at herself, so I thought swearing might be more fitting.
Again, thanks so much for reviewing! I always love to hear what you think! ^_^
I don't know who Rossiter W. Raymond is, but it is a good quote. Just make sure to credit the poor man when you make the edits. If you ever write such a quote yourself, I'm sure you'd want to be credited too.
And I see what you mean now about using the word "goddamnit".
*lounges* No problem, looking forward to your review, though I wouldn't ask you to go on like I do!
I guess your admission halts the theory that I'm being stalked... boo! What am I gonna do now? There's nothing to be tragic about!
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