Aug 07, 2009 15:48
Ianto was in a right state, they had torn off his shirt and trousers so he was in his underwear and kept turning the tempreture down. Ianto hated having his shirt off in front of people, it reminded him of how deformed his left shoulder was he hated it he wished every day it killed him.
"Had enough yet Jones?" Ianto slowly lifted up his head, his face was a collarge of yellow black and red. His torso and limbs were coverd in laserations and bruises including a gun wound in his right thigh and 9 inch nails in his hands and feet, he begged for death for the last 12 hours then finally they dropped there weapons apart from Ryan.
"Now time to go, you'll die soon enough probably black out from the pain before it anyway." He approuched Ianto and made one last incision in his chest and whispered in his ear. "Which is a real shame to be honest....heheheh Come on lads we're done here." And then as usual Ianto was left alone hurt and with not a friend in the world.
The whole team were in the board room trying to find some link to where Ianto might be, Gwen had gave her salad to the bunny and she in the box and eating away in the middle of the table.
"Jack we've tried everything we've got to face the fact if we do find him he..."
"What Owen?"
"NO THAT WON'T HAPPEN! I promise you it won't!" Tosh thought for a second and rememberd the conservation that she had with Ianto the other day.
"I know where he is."
Ianto could feel blood pouring out of his whole body, he hated being like this why couldn't he just die? He hoped his sister got his letter and the check he had put in it for her Jonny and the kids. He was losing coniousness, his sight faded and the figure that was screaming his name disappeard as his eyes closed.
"Ryan Hallet was Lisa's farther he has been after revenge ever since and he just bought an old abandoned warehouse on Hope Street and it was an old meat warehouse so there's tempreture control." She was explaining to Owen in the SUV, when they got there, there were several men laughing. Jack got out Owen follwed him as they grabbed two of the men.
"WHERE IS IANTO JONES?!?!" He spat in Jacks face, he wiped it away and punched that smug smile off his face. "YOU WANT MORE HEY COS I'LL MAKE YOU FORGET THAT YOU WERE EVER HERE LADDIE BETTER YET I CAN WIPE OUT SWADES OF YOUR LIFE!"
"OK he's in the warehouse Ryan said we couldn't breathe a word of it to any one." Tosh grabbed Owen and ran in the warehouse screaming Ianto's name.
"COME ON OWEN NOW! IANTO........IANTO..........IANTO......IANTO!" She knelt by his side a screamed at his lifeless body. "HE'S DEAD." She pointed at Ryan who was in Jacks tights grap. "YOU...YOU...YOU...YOU EVIL MAN YOU KILLED HIM!" Owen checked his pulse.
"He's not dead." Owen called 999 as he didn't have the equipment with him.
"Yeah mate the ambulance is on it's...." Ianto stared at Ianto's difigured shoulder. "Oh god....That's....that's....that's..."
"STEP AWAY FROM HIM! OR THE CAPTAIN DIES." Ianto screamed out in a sudden lash of pain. "Ianto what is it mate?"
"" Ryan went over to Iantoo and pushed Owen aside.
"MURDERER!!!YOU KILLED HER"YOU'LL GET WORSE IN HELL!" Jack bit Ryans wrist and as he let go he got out his handcuffs andput them round his wrist and pushed him aside. The ambulance crewe came in with Gwen and a stretcher and took him to Cardiff general.
After 9 hours of surgery Ianto was stictched up and the nails from his hands and feet removed at and all his injuries were taken care of best they could, he was in the hospital for 7 days the doctor said. As Ianto was comming round he heard Owen and Jack talking.
"...But what intrigues me the most is the state of his left shoulder, this is a picture of some one who was 'deleted' at Canaray Wharf notice the indentation on the shoulder..."
"It's a hand print."
"Yeah where they put there hand down it leaves an impression in the the skin, but the peculiar thing is they never found a living victim."
"Are you going to run tests in me?"
"Well I was..."
"No Ianto, Owen can you give us a sec?" He nodded and left the room, Jack sta next to Ianto. "Why did you let him do this to you Ianto?"
"I killed his daughter he got his revenge."
"But you didn't kill her?"
"I might as well of done." Ianto began to shed tears. "Some times I feel older than I look."
"Why how old are you?"
"24." Jack looked shocked.
"How did you survive?" Ianto looked away, Jack got up and ran a hand through his hair. "Typhical, Why are you so ashamed you survived your here alive WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?"
"Because I wish I wasn't here, I wish you'd left me in that warehouse TO DIE!"
".....You know what your right you should of died because some people gave there lives to save people like you." Ianto smiled weakly and looked at Jack.
"I was a researcher, when they attacked were told to fight we were told to prtect the sphere at all costs. It wasn't until we found out the daleks were there it was everyman or himself."
".....What happened to you?"
"Me and a mate Danny hid out at first but then we went looking round for survivors.......all we found were the dead bodies one of them his wife Stacey.......After that we found this weird thing down where they kept alien tech it was like this big blue box." Jack mumbled something like Doctor.
"Find anything down there? Did you find the body of a women blondish hair names Rose Tyler"
"....There were a lot of women down there coudn't really tell who they were and there was nothing but bodies, after that we went up to the top floors were we ran into the......cybermen they got Danny and took him to be isimilated.....I can still hera him screaming everytime I close my eyes."
"And what happened to you?"
"Said I was incompatible and......'deleted' me so to speak."
"So what did you wake up in the middle of a body count or something?"
"No I was consious the whole time, I fell to the ground but I couldn't move....couldn't even scream from the pain surging thorugh my body, like I was burning alive, after about 10 15 minutes I felt the feeling return to my body and then I heard this sort of wind cybermen screaming something about a void or something." Ianto began to cry. "I got up and watch my friends and coleowrkers get sucked into god knows where..."
"They weren't your friends any more."
"That's exactly the thing they were my friends." Jack sighed.
"And thats when you heard Lisa." He nodded Jack sat next to Ianto. "I'm sorry I didn't k....."
"You were right." He smiled weakly "I should of died, I wish i'd died." This time Jack had tears in his eyes.
"DON'T SAY THAT IANTO, your 24 you've got your whole life ahead of you."
"Really.....I need to tell you something."
"Yeah?" He sighed.
"Doc says that it'll take me years to recover and......the damage is permenant." Jack' jaw dropped. "I'll never work at Torchwood again." He smiled so weakly Jack wasn't sure if it was a smile. "I can't live like that Jack." Ianto pulled out a pill out of his suit Jacket that Gwen brought him.
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Jack snatched the green pill away from him. "This is a cyanide capsule HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS?"
"I know a guy."
"This isn't funny Ianto your on about SUICIDE!"
"Could you live like that."
".....No...but that's no reason to do that! And besides I........I.....I..." As Jack began to cry Ianto held his hand and smiled and whisperd in his ear.
"I feel something for you and if you do feel anything for me you'll help me do this."
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