Mar 09, 2009 20:32
It's me, er, yourself.
You suck. Failing grade at letting people get close to you. Great idea, push away the ones that matter. That will get you far.
I need a slap in the face.
My fear of abandonment is crippling me.
Writing a long ass letter trying to explain this fear may not have been the best idea. Especially because I've received no response. My initial reaction is to panic and expect the worst. That would be the outcome my actions have caused lately. Insert another sadface here.
I don't know why I can't stop feeling this way. People get "better" from these things, right? ...Right?
Listening to Kirsty Hawkshaw/Tiesto's "Just Be" has lyrical content meant to be so simple, yet I take each word to heart and use it against myself in a personal, "told you so" war.
I'm mad. At no one but myself.
It's ironic, to say the least. My fear of abandonment has caused me to close up, therefore initiating abandonment anyway...