You study hard, take the AP test, and then the next day in class, finally relax - NOT! It's the AP calculus super annoying I-don't-want-to-work-why-are-you-forcing-me-to project.
Actually, it's pretty ok as far as projects go. it's super open-ended; just pick a topic and do something on it. Anything.
Well, I like cakes and muffins. And Mr. Kinsler likes cakes and muffins. And Mr. Kinsler will be grading my project. So, guess what I decided to do?
You guessed it, a spoof cooking show. With math.
Our video camera broke right when we started filming, so we had some problems at first, but the video turned out ok. Even if it didn't, I brought two cakes and a pan of muffins into class. I am now everybody's favourite.
Here's the video:
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