Feb 02, 2009 12:27
What a day already, and it's not even 1 o'clock.
My stress actually started yesterday. Because I'm having a family dinner (formal) on Wednesday, I have a LOT on my plate to accomplish before then. I"ll explain in more detail in a minute. There were a few reasons I wanted to have this dinner: (A) after 6 years in this apartment they've never come over for a formal anything, usually because I have no time and the place is messy (B) I want to do this before I move (c) ally is leaving for australia next tuesday (D) my parents are on vacation starting this saturday.
Because I have that on Wednesday, Class and driver ed all day today, and UPC on wednesday all day before dinner, I had hoped to use Sunday to our advantage to get stuff done since for THE FIRST TIME in OVER A YEAR we didn't have to go house-hunting on Sunday.... but apparantly Dave had entirely different plans. I knew he wanted to enjoy watching the Superbowl, and that was fine for me because I was giong to treat him to a nice evening and make food for him and hand him beer like a good wifey. But ONLY alfter we had done a LOT of cleaning together. instead, Dave told me at 10 am he wanted to go out to Irving!!!! THERE"S NO TIME FOR THAT!!! After trying to cram everything in, we scrambled around the southtowns for hours without accomplishing anything I needed to do, and I gave up on the rest of it because Iwas so upset. We managed to get Dave's superbowl squares set up, but NO cleaning, NO errands of my own, NO cooking, etc etc etc. So what awaste of the day for me. I couldn't calm myself down! I get SO upset when I waste time, because I have so very little of it and even less of it WITH David, and even though it wasn't the end of the world I seriously felt like it was and couldn't get over it all day.
By the time the superbowl was on, I was livid. I wanted to go to the Phantom where all my friends were, but Dave was upset and didn't want to "do anything" so I got forced out of that, too.
I stayed up until 1 doing a little schoolwork, and couldn't clean because he wasn't going to help me apparantly and I need help. So now I have to PAY allyson to spend tuesday at the house helping me.
Today I was supposed to get up at 8 am to do more schoolwork before class, but didn't get up until 10 because I got NO sleep last night. More about trouble sleeping, later. I was plugging along and all the sudden felt like I was late for class, and started rushing.
Halfway here, I realized it as only 11:30. Class doesn't start at 12, it starts at 1!!!! I could've stayed home and kept working! To make things worse, I spent the next HALF AN HOUR trying to find a parking spot. When I did, I realized taht the path up the south campus hill was all snoblowed over, so I had to walk 150 yards out of my way with my backpack and computer just to get to the building. I figured since I was an hour early I'd do some photocopying, but the damn machine is STILL down since LAST SEMESTER!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?
So, now I"ve been killing time trying to do research for one of four projects I have to do this semester. However, it's really difficult to do research on a project with NO clear outline, NO directions from teh instructor on what is required, and when it's due as a group project. I can see this is totally going to suck balls. I don't have time for this shit.
Plus, last week I went to a conference instead of class, and missed the start of our clinical seminar so there's NO instructions for that class either, in the syllabus (This is the instructor/advisor who writes me response emails with NO grammar, no punctuation, no capitalization, no MEANING).
Then on top of that all, tonight I have driver ed because of a speeding ticket. Because class ends at 4 and Driver Ed starts at 5:30 in Hamburg, I had to leave right after class. But guess who has my Driver's license? DAVID!!! He wanted me to have it for th emovies on Saturday night and I wanred him we'd forget it was in his wallet, and we did. Now he has to drop it off at the house on his break, and I have to go ALL the way back to the house before driver ed. What a waste o ftime.
I need a break before class, I can feel my face getting red! I just want something to go simply.
There are a bunch of other things going on, namely with school and work, which I owe an update on for anyone who is curious. But there's no time. Dave and I also have some happy news!!!! (no, NOT pregnancy) I'd rather write about it when I'm feeling a little more positive.
Sorry for the random entry, I'm in a hurry