
Mar 08, 2006 23:25

Wow! So I had a massively wonderful weekend at RDubbs :). I must say that my friends are the best! First, we did a Barn movie night, and I was able to chat with freshmen that I otherwise would not have known. I still am not a fan of Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, but I'll live.

HaHA! I lied! You couldn't resist!

Cat and Ari did a phenomenal job on The Vagina Monologues. It was really great! Plus, there was a party afterwards (I know what you're saying -- "A party? Meg?" -- but I totally went and had fun). Though it got "busted" (*cough*by RAs*cough*) rather early, it was still a blast. I felt a sort of ... freedom (?) in the fact that I'm not technically a student, and thus someone else's problem ... in this case Cat's -- as I was listed as her guest. Anyway, I thought seeing everyone would be awkward, but it wasn't at all. No one really pried into why I'd left for the semester, so I was definitely less tense. Oh! And FRED was there!!! I love him. (He might be coming back to RDubbs *excited squeal* -- but I will still love him even if he doesn't :D ).

Brunch at the Newport Creamery on Saturday morning was an ... interesting event :). On the way there, Cat's car was stupid and though it would normally have 20 miles of gas left on it, it decieved us and ran out on the side of 114. To our right was a man shovelling his driveway ... who later told us there were many accidents in this area, but we could stand in his driveway if we wanted to. We were like, "what the hell?!" Everyone agreed with Steff that there was no point in him talking to us if he wasn't going to say anything useful. Anywho ... to our right ... yes, to our right there were cars speeding dangerously near us, and eventually a cop, who stopped to "check out the situation." After using his rather condescending attitude to find out what the problem was (and promptly pointing out the gas gauge to Cat with a smirk *rolls eyes*), he called AAA, though we'd already asked Ari to help us out. Cat was skeptical about the timeliness of AAA, but the cop assured us that when HE called, it would take 5-10 minutes.

Oh, really?

So, about 35-40 minutes later ... AAA comes. Apparently the guy was really nice to Cat, so that was a plus. We quickly went on our merry way, refueled, and headed to meet Erin O. :). Oh! And I felt a little anxious in the car (I get more anxious when I can't escape from situations), but I told myself it would pass, and I read a little, and it went away *beams*.

Brunch at the Creamery rocked. It was so nice to spend time with my school friends, as well as Erin O., who I'm not as close with (but I'd like to be) :). Anyway, there was much rejoicing, and I joined Steff on a trip to her house, and then to Annie and Marissa's.

Steff and Ari's house is so tiny! It's very cute, though. Steff must have thought I was even crazier than usual because I was fawning over how little the kitchen counters were for quite some time, LoL. After that, we hopped it over the bridge to Annie and Marissa's, where we watched The L-Word. Apparently, Steff got them hooked. Everyone was a bit silly, and I did like the episodes. I was really happy to hang out with Annie and Marissa 'cause Steff and Ari bonded with them in London and I hadn't been able to join in their fun.

Oh! And I saw Adam a few times. He hugged me a lot ... as Adam does :).

Saturday night I saw A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, which was so funny! Sam delivered the lines perfectly, Charlie was hilarious, Zack sang amazingly as usual, and Annie has a ridiculously beautiful voice! After the show, Steff, Cat, and I headed to Classic's for food. When we practically fell asleep in our dishes, we decided it was time to go home. I snuggled under my blanket and the two fleece blankets Bill had loaned me, laying on my bedframe (with Cat's mattress ... don't ask), watching Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. *sigh* It felt great!

I was sad to leave. I had a wonderful weekend, and I hadn't anticipated the missing-ness I'd feel after leaving. Sunday morning, I hugged a sleepy Bill and TJ goodbye, and then Cat and I got in the car to drive back to my house.

This trip made me feel really good about going back to school. I was more motivated to do my work as well ... though I didn't completely seize that opportunity :P.

Erm, so we skip ahead a few days to Tuesday. My mom bought tickets to Spamalot for my father for Christmas, which finally opened that day. She bought 3, since Meri didn't want to go. Let me tell you, that is like ... one of the funniest musicals ever! Totally on par with Funny Thing .... I mean, I knew it would be funny based on the movie, but man, I might even say it was better! I did miss the crossing the bridge part ("Answer these questions three ..."), and I wish someone in a gorilla suit had attacked the narrator, but I can't say I was disappointed. The "Lady of the Lake" was a clever addition, and so funny. The ending was sort of odd, but it did fit in spoofing the general musical plot. Also, I want the "sharp, pointy-teeth" bunny! They were selling them at the theatre for $45.00, which is rather outrageous. Hmm, maybe I can find it online for less. Haha ... the bunny ... haha.

Tonight we celebrated my dad's birthday with a trip to the Cheesecake Factory. Mike (Meri's boyfriend) gave my parents a giftcard for the restaurant, so my mom was able to use it to pay for part of the bill. I love that place! The food was great, and the Fudge Oreo Mudslide Cheesecake is not to be missed!

OK. I've typed a lot and I don't have much to say now, so I'll stop. Thanks to everyone that made my stay at RDubbs great!!! I love you guys!

Also, Bear's birthday was the 5th, but she's in Florida at the moment, so we'll get together soon :).

Lots o' love,

P.S. Sorry for my possibly incoherent writing.
P.P.S. For those of you who think me wanting a hedgehog is a silly idea: the cuteness of this one might just kill you.
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