(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 12:47

Hey everyone. Again, I wanted to thank you for all your well-wishes. Each day is getting easier, and I'll always hold a place for Sydney in my heart :).

So, what's been going on?

Well, I'm making some progress in my work from last semester. New plan: go to the library every day to get some work done. It's going well so far, too. I'm driving with my mom back and forth (and you all know how I abhorr driving), which is something I have to do. I'm hoping to go to the library earlier in the day, though, 'cause there are always annoying teenagers there at night with no respect for quiet rules.

I had wanted to go back to school and hang out with everyone last Sunday ... but things being as they were, that just wasn't going to work out. Instead, I joined my aunt and Olivia in seeing Nanny McPhee. It took my mind off things a bit, and I enjoyed the film.

Last night, I finally used Skype, and met some people from the LeakyLounge (a.k.a. the largest Harry Potter forum ... ever), so that was cool :D.

Erm, yeah. So, things are going ... fairly well considering the circumstances.

Love you all,
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