Josh, I love you. For my birthday, the Bates (and Christina since she said she'd pay about half of it) have gotten me my dream guitar. A 1967 Gibson Flying V. mmmm. Other things I want for my bday on the 31st of May
Full Kaleidostar anime series
Futurama Seasons on DVD
Metal Albums (esp Dark Tranquility, Strapping Young Lad, Colony and Whoracle by In Flames, anything by Racer X)
BOSS Metal Zone pedal (or find mine)
Guitar Cables
Wireless kit
Metal Live DVDs
Cool Metal Band shirts
Gamecube/games for said Gamecube (Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes would be nice)
other things that you think I'd like, since most of that stuff up there is really really expensive
oh and my female friends, removing clothing is always acceptable ;)