Jan 30, 2006 00:00
I had a whole entry already to post but something happened and I lost the whole damn thing. It was one of those moments where all the right words were in the right place, everything was flowing just as you wanted it to and the BAM!!!!! gone like a flash. You know how frustrating it is having a creative mind and loosing your train of thought. But I will try to piece together what I was saying, I have been living in the same place for the past 2 years with my brother Jim,who's sense of humor is something to match with that of a fish. In all that time we have had a few instances where the rent was in danger of being either late or not paid at all, the PUD was not paid twice and now, facing the worst phase of my life I am going to be living in my car until such time that I probably expire from lack of food. I cannot live with my family because Scott and Guinn have no room and even if I did live there it would only be for a short while before actually living in the car anyway, Kip probably would have the room but his kids visit so often I may as well live on his couch, don't really feel like living on the east coast because I don't know anyone there other than my father, besides I would'nt be a part of the haunt if I did that, and don't even get me started on my mother.
Everyone always tells me to look on the bright side, scott seems to always have this optimistic look on life, and that seems to be why eveyone likes him so much. I have been told I am quite pessimistic and I feel rightfully so. Though I am not going to bore the 1 or 2 readers of this journal with my past I just cannot see how being optimistic is going to help. I like seeing the reality of situations, that may not sit well for anyone else but that is how I look at life. I am probably seen as a bore, not interesting to be with or not as fun as scott, but I am getting over that. He is charismatic and I am not, he is outgoing and I am not. ]
Well my point here is that it always seems to me that in my life when I am getting thing on the right track, where my life is going just fine life is right there to kick me square in the face and set me back right to where I should be. The only thing I see I can do is keep looking for work, pray that either Value Village calls soon or that Comcast will take me. If that does not happen then I will become a traveling gypsy I guess. I have been a bum onece I suppose I can do it another time, I just have to find a place to hold snowball for the interim (I know I didn't spell that right but it is 12:15am)