Jan 09, 2006 09:05
Yes if there is anyone other than myself and my brother (maybe) that read my last entry you would know that I was the victom of gravity, as a result I was in a cast for 6 agonizing weeks followed by a less annoying but just as irritating 3 weeks in a smaller cast. Upon completion of the use of that cast (Feb. 5th) it was removed only to reveal to me a smaller version of my arm, not to mention all the dead skin and my hand had turned tan due to not washing it. In any case I was given a brace to wear for another 6 weeks, if you can believe that, but the beauty part is that I can take this thing off when I feel like it, the only rule really is that I have to wear it when I sleep simply because when you move around in your sleep you don't know what is going on, so it is for my own protection. And since I am unable to afford Physical Therapy I was given 3 different exercises to perform when I can each day; now you would think the things I have to do are simple, and once you think about it it's amazing how tough it is to do such simple things
Well today is the day I find out what kind of criminal record I have that was keeping me out of getting my old job back. I mean what the hell I have not done a single criminal thing in my fucking life outside of the occasional weed I just don't understand. Maybe one of my family members is fucking with my life, which would make sense since it has happened to my brothers before me. If that is the case and I find out for sure I feel I would not speak with the culprate responsible for a long time. So all I can do now is wait for this letter to show up in the mail to tell me what the hell I did. In the meantime I am trying to figure out what to do with my poetry, I would like to get a site started but think about it; a site dedicated to poetry, sounds kind of boring right. I know that going to a site and seeing a bunch of words on the screen done up all pretty is not the greatest thing in the world but I don't know any other way to approach this idea. The ONLY thing I have been able to come up with is getting a mic. and read the poems onto the site so that the visitor can either read them as they wish or they can listen to me read them, either way I feel is a good choice. But knowing how I am this will probably never happen.
I suppose I should get back to my life now...my good friend Kye is leaving for Denver soon and probably not returning, I am close to loosing my apartment (for the 3rd time mind you living with Jim) which makes me wonder if I am actually capable of living on my own. I am going to have to shut off the cable since I cannot afford the $201 bill and my cell phone will be turned off shortly because I cannot pay the $78 bill. Each time I feel I am doing well in life I get booted in the face and buried under a pile of dead fish. I don't see a bright future but I am trying. Maybe something good will come of this, maybe not I don't know so long as I can watch the Seahawks go to SuperBowl XL (40) I will be happy.
Live in peace