Happy Note

Dec 03, 2006 00:33

Well I'm feeling better since my last really sad post sorry to bum you guys out I just needed to spill. Anyways, Lately I've been really sick so I've been spending my days at home sleeping or unpacking boxes at the new house. I'm startin to like the place actually. My room is small but it looks pretty, its down the street from a really nice mall where I can hang out at the bookstore and work on my stories whenever I want. Its really cold but I'll get used to that, I'll learn how to cope. lol.

So swamped with make-up work since I've been sick so much and now I'm having these attacks where my chest is on fire and I can't breath and it hurts so bad! OMG! But I'm okay at the moment, if I have another attack I'm going to the emergency room to get it checked cuz it is really awful.

Right now Brennan and I are really happy and things are working out really well. Its funny, every New year's Eve I spend it at my best friend's house (Maria) and at 11 we go up to her room and reflect on the past year and the mistakes we've made and things we've achieved and every year a few minutes before the new year we make a goal (like normal) and a wish and we write both on 2 pieces of paper and one piece we keep and the other we give to eachother. Well I was packing the other day and I found mine and it was funny because my wish was "I wish Brennan will fall in love with me and we'll be the real deal." And you know what? I got my wish. I started crying and laughing when I read it cuz I was so happy and surprised my wish had come true. And my god am I glad it worked out. The other night I had the funniest dream ever. New Paragraph cuz its long

So I was about to go into labor, cuz I was pregnant lol, and I was sitting in the hospital on one of those beds with my legs crossed and I was sitting there with my hair in these cute braids on eitherr side of my head while I read a magazine and sucked on an ornage sucker. I looked really little girl cute and I was about to give birth that was pretty funny lol. So anyways My best friend, Maria, walks down the hall on her cell phone talking to a client (she's a lawyer in my dream) and behind her is my other friend Chika (Fashion designer) who's happy and smiley and she's just excited to see me becuase I live in Canada in this dream and she lives in Ohio. So Chika's like "OMG You look so cute! I love your hair. Hey Lizzie are you okay? You look ike your in pain."
"I'm about to go into labor, chika of course I'm in pain" I tell her
"Oh RIght forgot hehe"
So Maria looks around the room and scowls at me and asks "Where is he?"
"I called his cell but he didn't answer and I wasn't sure if I should call him at work or not."
So she hangs up with the person she's on the phone with and calls his work and his boss answers and she says "Hello this Is Maria Savino Miss Elizabeth's Lawyer aka best friend we need Brennan on the phone now."
So his boss calls him up and goes "Your wife's lawyer's on the phone I think she wants a divorce!"
So he runs up the stairs and grabs the phone and Maria starts to yell at him and tell him how he's so usless for not being here and what kind of husband are you and how can you leave the girl like this! And he's standing there in shock wondering what the crazy lady is talking about and then Maria hands the phone to chika and tells her to go ghetto on his ass (Maria only has one black friend and one half and half (Me half and half chika full out african) So Chika starts yelling at him till I take the phone and I sound all sweet and say "Um hi Brennan, I'm in the hospital I'm about to have the baby, I called your cell but you didn't answer and I wasn't sure if I should call you at work"
So he stands there laughing shaking his heaad like "I can't believe this girl, god I love her" And he says "Lizzie, my love, this is what one calls an emergency, you need to call me next time. Oh my god Lizzie."
So he comes down and we fast forward through the gross parts, thank God, and I have a pretty girl name Bella, and then I wake up. But it was soo funny Cuz Chika would be ditzy enough to wonder why I was in pain and I'm so shy I wouldn't call him I'd have Maria do it lol.

So pretty much thats it I'm gonna go email my lovely boy and tell him I love him and then probably head to bed or unpack some more depends on if I'm tired by then or not. Love you all hope you have a good day

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