Yesterdays shannon's room
, doing my "project"
(I'LL DO IT!!!! hahaha), and decorating my amazing wall
Well, that was a pretty productive day. I feel accomplished. hahahhaha Today we're renovating my room, and cleaning stuff out, and throwing stuff away and moving stuff around. Hopefully I'll get my room redone one of these days. Oh, yeah, and I'm not having a ball :-( my parents wanted to put limits on it and have it at my house and stuff, which would be LAME. So, I'm deciding to just have a house party instead :-). It will be fun. You are all invited, and if you have any ideas, you are free to post them. :-D adios guys!
<3 Joy the wacko, wacko shamko...Emily has crapo all over her faco =-O yeah, that's right mo fo!!!!!