Jun 27, 2006 11:54
You know.... I can handle the people who come in person face to face to register or whatever they might come in for but the people on the phone are the stupidest...so if you have called the NEFSC recently and asked me a bunch of stupid questions or you made me repeat myself...yea i think you're stupid and I don't like you...I hate these fucking phone I hate the ring and everything I hate repeating myself a million times, I hate stupid questions, and I hate people who call every 5 min everytime they remember a question they call back...for petes sake just write them all down THEN call me back!!!!!!!!!! And another thing, if you are asking me a question PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for your sake and mine SHUT UP long enough for me to answer the question, I dont like people interupting me either..........*SCREAMS* Im abotu to have another anxiety attack!!!! FUCKIN STUPID ASS MOTHERFUCKING PEOPLE OI HATE IGNORANT PEOPLE!