Chris’s daily Twitter Digest

Aug 19, 2008 23:03

This is how the day started out:
  • 12:22 this is pretty crazy: #
  • 12:22 #
  • 16:38 working on web updates and listening to The Saddleback Political Forum. #
  • 22:14 I’m discovering that there really isn’t a perfect Twitter client. Tweetdeck has the history I want, and Twhirl/ has the features and UI. #
  • 22:15 I dropped the glass cover for the candy jar at the front desk. Rinsing cuts and picking out splinters of glass. #
  • 22:18 Did a nuke and repave of the media center PC at home. Runs much nicer now, going to try some MAME and NES gaming on it. #

…and ended pretty much like that. Nighty night!
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