2 Down, 3 To Go

Jun 21, 2007 13:27

Here’s the next track from our EP. I promise that they won’t all be depressing like the these first 2.


So, i’ve been asked to start keeping a timecard at work, with half hour breakdowns of my activities. Not because they don’t trust that i’m working, but because I work TOO much. I’m sure that I put in an average of 50 hours a week, sometimes more if the occasion arises like the country concert that we did recently. On one hand, it sucks to be keeping track of everything. On the other hand, it’ll be nice that someone gets an idea of how much and varied tasks that I do around here. It’s not that i’m wanting a clap on the back or anything, it’s just that I don’t think that anyone can really imagine how long it takes to do something like a brochure or a video piece. Plus, i’m terrible at managing myself, which is why I end up working so much over 40hrs anyway.

My lawn is pretty much dead now, dad and I sprayed it last week and it’s frying up all nice and toasty. The plan is to tear it up a bit and replant. You should have seen how much clover we had. It was a hostile takeover. I also took the liberty to spray a bunch of ivy that we had in a bowl of earth in the back, as i’m thinking about building a bit of a fire pit. I think it’d be fun to do some marshmellows or get a huge wok and cook something over it. Besides, it’s grilling season.

Ever get to a point where to stop what you’re doing and you feel a bit lost? It’s so easy for me to fill up my schedule with “things”. Sometimes I become this task oriented monster who needs to have the next project lined up to feel like i’m fulfilling my purpose. I’m getting alot better about just taking time to spend with my family and dropping everything else for a bit. The scheduling thing at work is going to help with that too, since I find myself working from home on things quite a bit. That’s going to have to stop if they want me to stick to 40 hours a week.

I recently bought this spring up tent thingey for the backyard. If we’re not getting leaves, seeds, and cottonwood in Maren’s kiddie pool, it’s getting bugs in it. so, I picked up this beauty for cheap, and it springs open like a tent. Carey will sit out there and do a bible study while Maren splashes around in her debris-less pool. I’d like to get something a little deeper in a month or so, something that she can actually learn how to tread water in. They have these inflatable hottubs at the State Fair sometimes, and i think one of those would fit in there. That would be fun.

Our little 4 year old neighbor friend Reesie got her hair cut today, all short. Might be time to give Maren a summer cut. She’s been tugging at the back of her head when it gets hot, probably getting a little warm on her neck.
check out my blog at http://www.newmodernscience.com

family, music

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