Out of sorts.

Apr 21, 2006 12:41

Time to play a little bit of catch up. where was I? Oh! well, to start off, a week from last friday, i accidentally slammed Maren’s finger in the bathroom door. See, were at the point where we’ve started to try to get her to understand what pottying is, but also to get the idea that dad needs his time in the bathroom. so, i kinda kick her out, and close the door and she starts crying. now, she’s prone to tantrums now and then, so when she was wailing, I assumed that it was one of these. In reality though, she had her right ring finger in the doorsill when the door closed. not the knob side, the HINGE side. ouch. she cried for about an hour, and her poor little finger was flat for about 15 minutes. We took her to the doctor, but it was ok. it was pretty tender all week, but she’s been using it just fine.

I used to be a huge Duncan Sheik fan, but then a couple of albums ago he started leaking his politics, apathy, and Buddhism into his works, and I kind of lost interest. It’s kind of sad really, his arrangments are great, but the lyrics can sometimes be a bit grating. He has this song on his new album about how someone writes him a letter asking him about how he writes his songs and where his inspiration comes from, and the chorus breaks out in this rant on shopping, and how it doesn’t matter what he’s writing, in the end he wants you to go shopping and buy his record. brother. There are a few gems on the album though, the ones he writes about relationships are very nice and poetic. The one thing that I really like about the album, is that he included a DVD with audio stems of all the studio tracks. You can load them into Pro Tools and listen to each of the songs and pull out parts to see how he arranged the songs. I think the intent is that you do remixes of them and send them into him, but i’m finding that the album sounds fantastic as an instrumental. So, i’m slowly going through the songs and mixing them without vocals. fun!

I get the day off today because they’re recarpeting the office. The weather was really nice yesterday, so we had planned on doing a bit of picnic-ing today, but it’s a bit spotty with the weather today. Maren is really loving the weather and she and mom go to the park several times a day, and she’ll climb on just about anything. i’m just glad that she gets out of this cooped up 1 bedroom apartment that we’re in.
check out my blog at http://www.newmodernscience.com

family, music

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