theres a gun in your face, you fucking disgrace

Mar 07, 2005 21:01

SocietyXScars: Guys are loozers
SocietyXScars: they need to die
AtTheSpeeakEasy: yeah!

AtTheSpeeakEasy: kkk
AtTheSpeeakEasy: k..
AtTheSpeeakEasy: srry didnt wanna be racist to my own kind
SocietyXScars: your own kind??
AtTheSpeeakEasy: im BLACK
AtTheSpeeakEasy: nigguh


Heh.. anywayz, follow the fake cut (and/or highlight the fake cut)

[ Name ] Mauricette Laura Jorgenson... psht
[ Nicknames ] Agent M, MJ,.... listerine.. dont ask
[ Screen name ] SocietyXScars... im hoping to change it soon though to AngryYoungAndPoor
[ Birthday ] March 20, 91
[ Age ] 13.. ill be 14 in like... err a few weeks or so
[ Weight ] 115
[ Astrological sign? ] Pieces
[ Chinese zodiac sign? ] I think its the sheepy looking one :D
[ Location ] Ze computer room.. fuckkitt
[ Marital Status ] Divorced! Psht
[ Eye color ] Brown
[ Height ] uhhh 5'4 - 5'6ish??

[shoe size] 10.. taha

[Parents still together? ] Seperated.. they were never married anywayz
[ Siblings? ] Fo Sho. My sister, 25. anddd my half brother whos like.. err I dunno 5 or 6 now
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] Me niece. Aww I <3 you my niece...
[ Kids of your own? ] Eventually... psht
[ Grandkids? ] If my kids dont wear a condom.. pRACTICE safe sex.. learn to spell... uhh ok ignore that
[ Pets? ] I used to have a dog but... it died, and then I had another dog but we had to give it away.. now I have two fish. They suck.. I tap on their bowl thingys and they just swim away.. and you cant pet them.. psht

[ Education? ] My last year of 8th grade, then I go to high school... *sobs*
[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ] I live with my parental units... joy
[ Have any credit cards? ] Psht.. nigga im a poverty kid, wadda u think?
[ What do you drive? ] do I LOOK like I can drive.. oh shit you cant see me.. oh well forget it.. take that as a no

[ Color ] Hmm... hmm.. I guess purple n red n black n grey and... oh right... fuck you!
[ Number ] who has a favorite number? psht
[ Animal ] ROARRrrr.
[ Vehicle ] My green sparkly pimp convertible.. ill get it one day *sighs*
[ Flower ] Rose
[ Scent ] Vanilla
[ Shape ] OCtogon.. cuz theres a funny joke related to it.. I heard it on one of Chris Rocks shows... umm... kbye
[ Drinks ] Suicide :D yeah its that thing where you mix all the sodas together n stuff
[ Soda ] Sunkist.. Dr. Pepper.. fo sho
[ Book ] Tie between: Marilyn Manson Autobiography (long hard road out of hell) and Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (awesome socialgy book)
[ Band ] Who the hell has a FAVORITE band.. psht. Lol
[ Song ] Hmm.. I dunno something by CKY at the moment- "Sink Into the Underground"
[ Food ] Pop tarts.. im a whore for poptarts

Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] I will
[ Twirl your hair? ] Yup.. kindof annoying really
[ Have tattoos? ] eventually
[ Piercing? ] Two in my ears but i want my eyebrow and my lip eventually

[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] ...... what kind of question is that? Duh.. losers!
[ Drink/Smoke? ] I drink sometimes.. smoke.. nah not usally.. just pot once in a while
[ Like roller coasters? ] Yup
[ Wish you could live somewhere else] Sometimes I suppose.. im all right at the moment though
[ Want more piercings? ] Eyebrow, lip, kbye
[ Like cleaning? ] I dont really LIKE it but I clean my room without my mom having to bitch at me because I cant stand being in a messy house.. espically my room.. it gets me claustraphobic..
[Write in cursive or print? ] Print.. psht
[ Carry a donor card? ] Wait, they have those??
[ Swear a lot? ] Yup
[ Own a web cam? ] Nope
[ Know how to drive? ] I wish.. dammit
[ Diet? ] Nah im good.
[ Own a cell phone? ] No.. screw you rich bastards

[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] Recently yes.. I have a life now... *sobs* My poor computer.. neglected
[ Habla Espanol? ] Grasias? Psst.. im 92% white nigga and the rest is black.. lol.. um.. ok. well actully im like a quator mexican (not to be confused with BORDEr mexican... MARIA... KARA, anywayz) And im taking Spanish right now but see the problem is I never pay attention in Spanish class so it kinda defetes the purpose.. and... oh.. right.. ok moving on

Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] Sure bob..

[ DUI? ] Sure bill
[ Been in a wreck? ] Nada, almost though
[ Been arrested? ] Nope
[ Been in a fist fight? ] One..

[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] Oops.. that doesnt hurt them does it :D *innocent look*
[ Stolen anything? ] Fo sho

[ Held a gun? ] Nope
[ Drank? ] Yup
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] Nope

[ Considered a life of crime? ] Err.. no.. unless you count stealing everything that moves.. but i only CONSIDERED It.. gosh
[ Considered being a hooker? ] Lmfao..
[ Cried over a girl? ] Nah thats so'kay
[ Cried over a boy? ] Once or twice :P I regret that shyt
[ Lied to someone? ] Who hasnt?
[ Been in love? ] Nah
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] Nope
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] Uh huh, uh huh

[ Been rejected? ] Ummmm uhhh... once.. it was brutal :D
[ Used someone? ] Yup
[ Been used? ] Yup

[ Been kissed? ] Yeahhh

[Current mood ] I have to pee
[Current music] Nothing actully.. psht
[Current taste] I need water...
[Current hair] In a headband thingymajigger
[Current annoyance] Guys suck... seriously.
[Current smell] Umm.. does water have a smell exactly?
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Going to the bathroom, And taking a shower
[Current windows open?] My buddy list, a chat room filled with dumbasses, MSN messanger, and this livejournal thingy
[Current desktop picture] Picture of a burning flag and lyrics from Manson.. kbye

[Current book] Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa puffs
[Current cds in stereo] Metal for the Masses- Volume 2
[Current crush] What-ever dawg

[Current favorite celeb] Eh its been Kevin bacon for a long time.. sexy beast

[Current hate] Guys.. fo sho
[Current job] Job.. as in.. money.. WTF

The last time
[Last book you read] marilyn manson autobiography
[Last movie you saw] Hmmm.... Oh yeah "without a paddle"
[Last thing you had to drink] Water
[Last thing you ate] Wow thats hard.. erm... ooh yeah a cookie

[Last person you talked to on the phone] Adam

Do you...
[Do drugs?] Nope.. pot every once in a while
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] Nah
[Play an instrument?] .... No :D I can play acoustic a little bit but eh, I dont have the patience for music
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I suppose
[Remember your first love?] Uh huh
[Still love him/her?] NO WAY.. lol
[Read the newspaper?] Sometimes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yeah... psst, anthony we know your secret :D
[Believe in miracles?] Nah
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] I doubt it
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] Umm... err...
[Consider love a mistake?] Depends on the person
[Have a favorite candy?] Skittles.. Chocolate.. Poptarts.. kbye
[Do well in school?] I mantain A's and B's
[Go to or plan to go to college] We'll see
[Hate yourself?] I tend to
[Have an obsession?] POPTARTS *drools* oh and Manson *orgasm*
[Have a secret crush?] Its not really secret.. psht
[Do they know yet?] Yuppp
[Collect anything?] PENIS... k maybe not
[Have a best friend?] Nah not really. If I had to choose its Jenipher, Maria, n Kara but they are just my "group" and then I have my other 3 close close friends which are Marissa, Adam, and Virgina
[Close friends?] *sighs* K lets go over this again. Jenipher, Maria, Kara, Adam, Marissa, Virgina, Milena

[Like your handwriting?] Nah, its pretty sloppy
[Care about looks?] Its not everything but its not nothing either

=Love life=

[First crush] Hmmmm... Lol Preschool..  pathetic :D
[First kiss] going into 7th in teh summer
[Single or attached?] erm... semi-attached. dont ask
[Ever been in love?] Nah

[Do you believe in love at first sight?] I believe in "lust" at first sight
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Not really
[Describe your ideal significant other] Sexylicious.. :D
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