Nice night

May 22, 2007 21:06

I had a nice evening tonight. I went for a bike ride down in Ocean Park/Saco. It was a perfect night for it too. I always drive up and down this road and I always want to stop and go down this path so tonight I did. I went down just a little way and it opened up to a little lake type thing. It looked like a lake but it was probablly ocean water. There was a little tiny beach and a swinging bench. There was a path that went off around the water and a path that went off into the woods. They looked like they might meet again somewhere, but maybe not. The sun was starting to go down so I didn't get to explore as much as I liked so I think I'll go back sometime.

Most people who know me know that I'm a bit controling, I'm okay with this and I'm making no effort to change this trait because I like it, for now... BUT, something about this whole thing struck me as a little odd, but odd as in different and nice, not odd as in weird, relating to the conrtoling thing. As the sun was going down I was still really interested in exploring the woods and around the lake. But when the thought "the sun is going down, I better go", poped into my head I wasn't mad or upset at not being incontrol I was okay with it. That made me sort of happy. I was okay with the sun going down and having to leave, even though I couldn't control what I really wanted.

That was a very nice end to a very not nice day. I spent the rest of the day 'working'. Kind of. A bunch of people from funtown and fun foods, the leads and supervisors, went to Canobie Lake Park for a supervisor traning session. We had to be at funtown at 7am. EARLY! and then we sat all day at a work shop type thing. It was a bit useful but very boring. I wasn't at all prepared. And on top of that we didn't even get paid! BOOOO. But at least I spent time with my work buddies, all 4 of them...Humph.

But I'd better get some sleep so I can get up for work tomorrow! I'll be glad to have something to do.

Night all!
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