Dec 22, 2006 04:35
I'm pretty happy this semester is over. It means I'm half a year closer to being away from all my friends but it's not like I've seen them at all this year any way. I took a couple really hard classes that kind of made my life busy and really full so hopefully next semester won't be so bad. I'm not taking the same classes that made things tough. I am taking PRAXIS on January 12th. Hopefully I'll pass the first time. I hear they are really strict on spelling which is bad because I'm not a very good speller in the least.
We leave tomorrow at 5:30 in the morning. SHITTY. I'm not excited to get up that early. But if it's for Jacki I guess that's okay. But I'm wicked tired now so I'm off to sleep in my bed for the last time in 3 weeks. I can't wait to go home and have my mommy take care of me.