Anybody out there? - and filming problems

Mar 08, 2016 06:04

I wondered whether anyone was reading my posts at all? only reason I came back on was that I was missing a lot of other activities and interactions. Feedback would be helpful!

Yesterdays once a week marathon dog walk ( over 5 miles as opposed to 2 miles daily) was spoiled by a company filming in the area between Forge Dam and Bingham park! The behaviour of gophers preventing people using public footpaths was appalling! The 'luvvie ' that engaged us was on a wrong footing straight away by addressing us " Hi guys, as you can see, we're filming!" then blanking us immediately by holding his palm towards us as something came over his com-link , he then body blocked us by holding his arms up as we continued walking to get to Lola, who had run on ahead, having got bored! There were no signs warning us at all , or we would have taken an alternative route . We retrieved Lola safely and went on, whilst the bloke was still chatting away to the ether.
We later observed two of their vehicles causing damage - one parked on an area normally that would be covered in Wood Anenomes in a week or two, and another attempting to get up a hill, carving itself into the mud, and the crew randomly breaking branches to get out . Both incidents were noted. Same company that occupied my mother's house for a while whilst filming for 'Prisoner's Wives' - and they were so considerate then .
Still no word of my appearance on 'The Chase' -will keep notice on here if I find out!

grumpy old git, bingham park

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