Triangular Adventures And Harassing Thieves

Oct 06, 2006 15:08

Geometry was fun today cause I got to move next to my friend Conner. As the name says we had some triangulaer(I actually like it spelled this way) adventures. This kid borrowed Conner's calculator for one second to do a problem...
C: hey give that back!!
Guy: i was just borrowing it for a second
(Conner's hw drops I pick it up and return it)
C; You should be more like Burgess over here
J: I know, I'm an example that's what I am
C: A saint
C: You could learn from him
J; I'm A mentor
C: he's inspiring
J: hell the two of us are just amazing in every way
(calculator guy stares at us)
needless to say Conner is a pretty cool guy cause anyone who thinks I'm awesome can't be too bad

We also talked during english twas fun
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