Well, its been realll long and I'm not gunna even bother going through every little detail that went on since the end of April. I mean Six Flags happend it was sorta fun...not as much fun as I would've expected though...Prom happend, that was real fun...umm...alot of other stuff in between and after but I'll just start wit last weekend. Last weekend was extremely busy for me. Friday Night was chillin' wit Parker, Dev, and Gabbie. That was fun and I discovered the entire Raul Midon album "State Of Mind" which is truly an amazing album. Then Saturday, Ry and I watched the BHS graduation from the auditorium and congrats to everyone I didnt get to see. Then it was off to Kathryns and Parker's graduation parties that night and chilled over Ry's after. Then the next day was Bill's grad party which I had a whole lot of fun at. Crazy long Jam sessions and Moon Bounces truly make for good times. And now Monday....phew.
The more and more the days go by the more and more I realize how close we are to finishing our junior year and it scares me. We've been runnin over Application essays in English and I'm so scared...I have no idea what I would write. But whatever I just wanna make sure I'll do the best i can until the end....hopefully. Oh yeah and tomorrow's my driving test...on 6/6/06....that's my luck ha. We thats all for now, I'm back on this thing and I'm gunna try to continue it....try.