Jun 23, 2004 10:06
I know I haven't written in awhile, but it seems like I could never find a free moment.
So, now it's time for the updates:
Saturday, June 19: I went to the pool party. It was OK. I was in a good mood because my friend brought me this cool shirt that said "Express Yourself". I have to say, she knows my taste pretty well. Later that day, my friends and I went to the mall, for some last-minute father's day shopping, and to go to the movies. That was probably the best part of the day. We went to see "Dodgeball". That movie was so funny! After that, we got hungry, so we went to Denny's. A very eventful day!
Sunday, June 20: Father's Day! We went to church, and when we came back, we had dinner over my grandparent's house. I pretty much stayed in my room after I helped clean up after dinner.
Monday, June 21: Today was my mother's, and little sister's birthday. I just cleaned up the house the whole day, then later that evening I went to play basketball @CSUN with some other people. It was funny because I was the only girl on either team. That always put you at a disadvantage.
Tuesday, June 22: Yahna's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHNA!!! She had a pool party, and I went. It was fun. I'm sorry that I had to leave early, but we had bible study that night. The people that came while I was there was: Tamera, Christina, Pam, Joanna, Tali, and Danielle.
Today, I plan to go to my grandmother's house, and maybe to Skateland tonight.
I try not to wait so long to write next time!!!