(This is in response to a prompt from
musicianwages.com: If you could go back to 1999 and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?)
Dear 1999 Me:
Well kid, you've either just decided or will decide soon (I don't remember exactly when it was) that you want to go to college to study music. Good for you! I just want you to know that you make the right decisions. (I know that sounds corny. Shut up.) And being the band geek you are I can't imagine a more fun vocation. There will come a day when you'll be glad that Daddy wouldn't let you quit after one year of lessons.
Anyway. My advice to you is that people are idiots. I know, you already are well aware of that. Don't listen to them. Whatever happens, don't give up on your dream. You won't figure out for a long time exactly what you want to do with it but you'll know when everything suddenly becomes clear. In the meantime, you'll be pulled in many different directions and try different things. Enjoy your college days because once you get out into the real world you'll miss those people. People don't do what they say they're going to do. They'll stab you and your friends in the back. Some are just batshit crazy.
But it's not all bad; you'll get to do some really cool things as well. I know you hate practicing now, but mostly that's because you don't have a decent, private place TO practice. But you must learn to love it. It's probably hard to believe, but you'll even be able to send your music over the internet to people all over the world to listen to and work with! How cool is that?
The best is yet to come. You'll be alright.
Love, 2009 Me