Well, Ocean is all over. It was exhausting, but I had fun; it went pretty well. We all signed up for this about a year ago, so we spent the last year wondering just how it was all going to go down. It was chilly sitting outside and we had problems staying in tune, but it wasn't like it made much difference. Heh. By Wednesday people were starting to get into it more and make more random sound effects. Oh, there were electronic sound effects as well.
Thursday it rained most of the day. Now, we didn't have a director for this; we just had to watch the clock. They had four plasma tv screens set up around the stage. They left them sitting out, and they got wet in the rain. So, I heard they had to go to Best Buy around 5pm and buy four new plasma tvs. Unh! *facepalm* Brilliant.
Friday night I decided, screw these low notes; I wanna be HEARD, dammit! So I started playing octaves, and then for the more melodious parts I started doing some Jethro Tull type stuff--overtones, singing/humming into my flute while playing, etc. Good times! XD I'm not sure how well anyone could hear it though. I would've liked to hear what Andrew Culver, the composer, had to say about it but I didn't really get to talk to him. Bugger.
Saturday it rained most of the day again. It wasn't supposed to rain during the show, but around 1:07:00 it started to rain, not much, but enough they decided we had to quit. They had said if it started raining after 0:45:00 we would quit. Of course all the string players panicked because their instruments can't get wet. Some brass players and I were the last ones playing. I was kinda sad that we didn't get to finish it, but for my part it wouldn't have needed to be any longer than 45 minutes in the first place. If we had started on time, we might've been almost done. We started at least 15 minutes late each night; you'd think for all of this, for everything they put into it we could've at least started on time. >:/
Anyway, some pics!
The view of the set going down into the quarry:
In this one you can see the clock we had to watch on the TV screen. The guy in the black wheelchair is Merce Cunningham.
We all got to take a chunk of granite home from the quarry. XD
Some scenes of the rocks. We were about 100 feet below ground.
The first night of rehearsal, over at St. Ben's, I found a fortune cookie lying on the ground. So I put it in my pocket, and I opened it when we were in the quarry. It said: Your road to glory will be rocky, but fulfilling. How's that for irony?! I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. XD
Anyway. Tonight it's back to band, and the next thing I'll be working on besides that is Peter Pan. Bobbi said they won't be having a pit for Aladdin though, they'll use a CD instead. Which makes me sad because that was one of my favorite Disney movies. :( But hey, Peter Pan has pirates! XD
That's it for today kids.
ETA: The reviews are in--NY Times, LA Times and Star Tribune:
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/15/arts/dance/15cunn.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=ocean&st=cse&oref=slogin http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-ocean13-2008sep13,0,4639279.story http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/onstage/28289969.html?elr=KArksUUUU And one more, from the Washington Post: