Entry #389

Jul 23, 2004 00:55

More surveys and quizzes and things, because it's late, I'm bored, and I can't sleep.

In 1987 (the year you were born)

Ronald Reagan is president of the US

Wall Street crashes sending the Dow Jones Industrial average down 22.6%

President Reagan and Soviet Leader Gorbachev sign an unprecedented missile reduction agreement

Televangelist Jim Bakker resigns amid accusations of sexual infidelity and financial impropriety

Wall Street financier Ivan Boesky is sentenced to three years in prison in an insider trading scandal

Gary Hart withdraws from the 1988 presidential campaign under accusations of infidelity

The Food and Drug Administration approves anti-AIDS drug AZT

Prozac makes its debut in the US

Bow Wow, Joss Stone, and Hilary Duff are born

Minnesota Twins win the World Series

New York Giants win Superbowl XXI

Edmonton Oilers win the Stanley Cup

Three Men and a Baby is the top grossing film

"Walk Like An Egyptian" by The Bangles spends the most time at the top of the US charts

Full House, Married with Children, and Star Trek: The Next Generation premiere

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

More cool things for your blog at

-name:  Katie
-single or taken:  single, although all my friends beg to differ, lol.
-sex:  female.
-birthday:  9/4
-siblings:  Stephanie, Jackie, Doug.
-hair color:  brown
-eye color:  green
-shoe size:  8-9
-height:  5'4"ish

. r . e . l . a . t . i . o . n . s . h . i . p . s .

-who are your best or really close friends?  Kyle, Kimmie, Kara
-do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:  not technically, lol.

. f . a . s . h . i . o . n . s . t . u . f . f .

-where is your favorite place to shop:  Old Navy or NY & Co
-any tattoos or piercings:  one hole in each ear.

. s . p . e . c . i . f . i . c . s .

-do you do drugs?:  that's a no.
-what kind of shampoo do you use?:  right now, Garnier Fructis...good stuff *nods*.
-what are you most scared of?:  being alone, being unloved/unwanted, storms, spiders/insects
-who is the last person that called you?:  um...Grandma this morning.
-where do you want to get married?:  no idea.
-how many buddies are online right now?:  I'll tell you as soon as I sign on...two on MSN, four on AIM, but one is mobile.
-what would you change about yourself?:  absolutely everything.

. f . a . v . o . r . i . t . e . s .

-color:  blue
-food:  chinese
-boys names:  Ryan, Christopher
-girls names:  Sarah, Allison
-subjects in school:  um...I don't know...it depends on the teacher basically.
-animals:  kittens

. h . a . v . e . y . o . u . e . v . e . r . ? .

-given anyone a bath?:  my little cousins
-smoked?:  no.
-bungee jumped?:  nope.
-made yourself throw up?:  nope.
-skinny dipped?:  nope, I'd blind people.
-ever been in love?:  yep *nods*
-made yourself cry to get out of trouble?:  nope, although Grandma says I was the queen of almost crying when I was little
-pictured a crush naked?:  um, no, lol.
-actually seen your crush naked?:  lol no
-cried when someone died?:  yep.
-lied:  yep.
-fallen for your best friend?:  you could say that.
-been rejected?:  duh all the time.
-rejected someone?:  no not that I know of.
-used someone?:  not that I know of.
-done something you regret?:  duh.

. c . u . r . r . e . n . t .

-clothes:  2003 SLC shirt, gray Old Navy yoga pants...most comfortable things on the planet I tell you.
-music:  Sabrina the Teenage Witch on the N
-make-up:  foundation and powder.
-annoyance:  life
-smell:  um...nothing.
-desktop picture:  Azul from windows XP
-book you're reading:  nothing right now...waiting for Wicked to come to the library
-in cd player:  Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
-in dvd player:  None
-color of toenails:  natural haha

. l . a . s . t . p . e . r . s . o . n .

-you touched:  Mom
-hugged:  Mom
-you imed:  Kyle
-you yelled at:  um, no one
-you kissed:  no one

. a . r . e . y . o . u .

-understanding:  I try
-open-minded:  I try
-insecure:  duh
-interesting:  not at all
-random:  oh yes
-hungry:  duh, otherwise I wouldn't be a fat kid
-smart:  psh no
-moody:  oh yeah
-hard working:  I try
-organized:  somewhat
-healthy with eating:  hell no
-shy:  at times
-difficult:  um probably
-attractive:  hell no
-bored easily:  definitely
-messy:  somewhat
-obsessed:  with Wicked haha

. r . a . n . d . o . m .

-In the morning i am:  wishing it wasn't morning
-love is:  amazing
-i dream about:  heh.

. o . p . p . o . s . i . t . e . s . e . x .

-what do you notice first:  eyes, hair, face
-last person you slow danced with:  oh good lord I refuse to answer this besides to say it was in 8th grade because I'm a loser, lol.
-makes you laugh the most:  friends
-makes you smile:  Kyle
-who do you have a crush on:  duh, lol
-who has a crush on you:  um, duh again, lol

. d . o . y . o . u . e . v . e . r .

-sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?:  what do I do every night? lol
-wish you were a member of the opposite sex?:  ahem, at times
-wish you were younger:  yes
-cried because someone said something to you?:  oh yeah, I'm sensitive to no end

. n . u . m . b . e . r .

-of times i have had my heart broken:  um...too many *nods*
-of hearts i have broken:  none that I know of
-of guys i've kissed:  zero
-seriously kissed?  zero
-of girls i've kissed:  zero
-seriously kissed?  zero
-of continents i have lived in:  uno
-of tight friends:  a few
-of cds i own:  a bunch...somewhere around 40
-of scars on my body:  no idea

. f . i . n . a . l . q . u . e . s . t . i . o . n . s .

-do you like filling these out?:  they pass time
-gold or silver:  silver
-what was the last film you saw at the movies?:  Mean Girls
-favorite cartoon/anime?:  none pretty much
-what did you have for breakfast this morning?:  nothing
-who would you love being locked in a room with?:  Kyle, lol
-could you live without your computer?:  yeah that's a no
-would you color your hair?:  um, maybe highlights but I'm chicken
-could you ever get off the computer?:  lol, yeah, but it's not fun
-habla espanol?  psh not any good
-how many people are on your buddy list?:  38 on AIM, 20 some on MSN
-ever drank alcohol?  no

@ Name:  Katie
@ Age: 16
@ Height: 5'4"ish
@ Sign: Virgo
@ Hair Color: brown
@ Eye Color:  green
@ Foot Size: 8-9
@ Heritage: Greek, Irish,  Cherokee Indian, other stuff, lol.
@ Birthplace: Chillicothe
@ Parents Names: Steve and Alice
@ Parents Together?: yes..haha

@ Elementary School: covel d. searcy
@ Middle School:  gallatin hs
@ High School:  gallatin hs
@ College:  eh, probably northwest because I suck.
@ Extracurricular Activity of Choice:  FCCLA, FBLA, softball and basketball stats, academic team, science olympiad, whatever else comes up during the school year
@ Favorite Elementary School Memory:  four square..although elementary school sucked so yeah
@ Favorite High School Memory:  FCCLA trips

@ Shower How Often?: Daily
@ Morning or Night Showers?: Morning
@ Brush Teeth How Often?:  morning, night, and whenever else they feel icky
@ Floss? (Don't lie!):  sometimes
@ Shampoo Brand:  garnier fructis
@ Soap/Body Wash Brand:  right now it's st. ives stuff, but whatever I end up buying
@ Lotion Brand:  lots of stuff...i have that jergins shimmer stuff right now
@ Face Wash Brand:  clearasil
@ Toothbrush Color:  gray and blue
@ Body Spray:  lucky

[love, hate, rejection, and all the fun stuff]
@ Define Love: it's basically just undescribable, heh.
@ Have you ever mistaken love for lust?: yeah I think
@ Are you in love? With who?:  yep, with Kyle :)
@ If yes, are you sure it's love?:  *nods*
@ If no, have you ever been in love?:
@ What happened?:
@ Have you ever been used?:  yeah
@ What happened and why?:  let's not go there
@ Have you ever used someone?:  not that i know of
@ What happened and why?:
@ Biggest disappointment (relationship/girl/guy-wise):  the fact that I suck? lol
@ PDA Fan?:  um not like when people are all over each other
@ Are you friends with any of your exes?:  I don't have any exes because I suck remember
@ Nicest romantic thing done for you:  no idea
@ TV Show:  real world, road rules, summerland
@ Movie:  gone with the wind
@ Book: gone with the wind
@ Solo Artist:  no idea, too many
@ Band:  again, too many
@ CD:  Wicked!
@ Song:  too many
@ Color: blue
@ City:  I don't know
@ Season:  spring/fall
@ Article of Clothing:  comfy stuff
@ Sport to Watch:  football, softball, basketball
@ Sport to Play:  volleyball
@ Animal:  kittens

[random questions because i'm done with catagorizing]
@ What are you wearing?:  gray old navy yoga pants, 2003 SLC shirt
@ What do you want to do with your life?: go to college, get a job, be successful, be with Kyle
@ One Bad Habit:  um...I can procrastinate a lot
@ One Bad Personality Trait:  everything
@ One Good Habit:  no idea
@ One Good Personality Trait:  no idea
@ One Natural Talent: no idea
@ One Acquired Talent:  no idea
@ Thing you want to do once in your life:  I don't know
@ Thing you will never do in your life:  do drugs
@ Where do you want to travel to?:  Kentucky? lol
@ What do you need right now:  Kyle.

A is for AGE: 16
C is for CAREER IN FUTURE: facs teacher
D is for DAD'S NAME: Steve
E is for ESSENTIAL ITEM TO BRING TO A PARTY: i don't party, remember?
H is for HOMETOWN: gallatin
I is for INSTRUMENTS YOU CAN PLAY: clarinet, mess around on piano
J is for JOB TITLE: student
K is for KIDS:  I want some someday
L is for LIVING ARRANGEMENT: home, parents
M is for MUM'S NAME: Alice
P is for PHOBIAS: spiders/insects/storms
Q is for QUOTE YOU LIKE: i don't wanna at the moment...oh wait..."It’s dreadful, it is, to have a house fall on you, but accidents will happen." *nods*
S is for SEXUAL POSITION: yeah no
T is for TIME YOU WAKE UP EVERYDAY:  depends on if i have to get up actually
U is for UNIQUE TRAITS: zero
V is for VEGETABLE YOU LOVE: um carrots, corn, other stuff
W is for WORST HABIT: fidgeting, biting my nails if I get nervous
X is for XRAY'S YOU'VE HAD: teeth
Y is for YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: eh i don't know
Z is for ZODIAC SIGN: virgo

*nods* that's enough for now.
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