Mar 20, 2007 02:48
alright, here goes another update.
so i've been working a lot on my research project. i finished my normal mapping shader. it came out pretty good. the only thing is the lighting looks kind of weird when you rotate the cube. anyway, i'm currently working on my reflection refraction shader. all of this is just taking a lot of time, because i'm actually trying to understand what is happening instead of just blindly copying w/e i find online and in books. i want to actually learn how to implement stuff instead of just simply learning the syntax. but all in all, it's going great. i'm pretty confident i'll get it done in time. i figured out the bug in my first shader, which gave me motivation to work on the next one.
in slightly other news, i went to GDC at the beginning of the month. for those who don't know what it is, GDC stands for the Game Developers Conference. to be honest, i had the time of my life. i actually didn't want it to end. i attended as a Conference Associate, which is a volunteer that helps around the conference. i met so many great people and made so many friends. they're all amazing and just as geeky as i am and in some cases more so, so i don't feel awkward at all.
at GDC and on the plane back, i spoke to a bunch of employers, and it turns out i might have a couple of possible jobs waiting for me when i graduate. next month, i'm going to take some time off, and i'm going to setup a portfolio website with projects i've worked on. i'll try to get a decent resume done, and start passing it out.
also, i met Melinda at GDC. she's awesome. i really like her. she's an artist. she goes to Art Institute of Portland. unfortunately, she doesn't want to date or anything because she despises long distance relationships. but she's a great person, amazing artist (imho) and very pretty. i'll post a picture on MySpace soon. i'll also post some other GDC pictures on MySpace. if you're wondering who the new people on my top 12 are: Melinda is next to my cousin, Anuj is after her, then is Caitlin. i would put Corey up there, too. but she hates MySpace, or something like that, and doesn't have one.
moving on to the next subject, i'm taking at least one month leave of absence next month. most of my final project group are behind one month, and one person is two months behind. i honestly don't like the idea of taking two months off. i'll decide what to do next month. it all depends on how my job hunt goes. if companies will take me right out of school and i move away from orlando, then i'm going to move into Joe's apt for the last month. oh yea, forgot to mention: turns out my lease expires one month before i graduate (assuming i take two months off) which sucks because i don't want to extend my lease or pay month to month, just because i graduate at a later time. but anyway, continuing, if companies are like "oh i dunno" or "no thxkbai" then i'm going to try to work at EA Tiburon and just extend my lease at my current place. bah, i dunno.
ima spend some time in miami during my LOA. i got Summer a birthday gift. her bday is in april, i'm just waiting for it to come in. i know i said i wouldn't talk to her or anything, but last year i had just met her around this time, and i never got her anything for her bday. so i figure it'd be a nice "hello" to give her a little something. it's not much. i'm not going to say what it is, since she occasionally reads my LJ. i'm sure she'll enjoy it a lot, though. i put a lot of thought behind it. it'll be a mission to get her to accept it though. she has a tendency to reject everything i try to give her. :-(
research project,
final project,