copying TJ's style...i love arguing online (whores and care bears)

Sep 19, 2005 18:02

I YourRegrets I (5:39:10 PM): i think the cricket is gone.
I YourRegrets I (5:39:15 PM): because i still haen't found him.
I YourRegrets I (5:39:20 PM): that's the 2nd one i've done that with.
reservedrules213 (5:39:35 PM): lol
reservedrules213 (5:39:41 PM): its comfy in your bed now
I YourRegrets I (5:40:11 PM): nooooo
I YourRegrets I (5:40:17 PM): crickets and care bears don't get along.
reservedrules213 (5:40:38 PM): care bears get along with anything
I YourRegrets I (5:40:52 PM): not bugs.
I YourRegrets I (5:41:20 PM): nothing gets along with bugs.
I YourRegrets I (5:41:22 PM): bugs are ewww.
reservedrules213 (5:43:06 PM): they are CARE bears...not we hate things that are "ewww" bears
I YourRegrets I (5:43:30 PM): you don't get to deicde what my care bears feel.
reservedrules213 (5:43:43 PM): its in the name
I YourRegrets I (5:43:58 PM): what's in a name, anyway
I YourRegrets I (5:44:07 PM): a rose by another other name would smell as sweet.
I YourRegrets I (5:44:10 PM): . . . or something like that.
reservedrules213 (5:44:13 PM): lol
reservedrules213 (5:44:24 PM): a care bear by any other name would still care as much
reservedrules213 (5:44:27 PM): :-P
I YourRegrets I (5:44:35 PM): shut up
I YourRegrets I (5:44:36 PM): lol.
I YourRegrets I (5:44:41 PM): MY CARE BEARS DON'T LIKE BUGS.
I YourRegrets I (5:44:43 PM): end of story.
reservedrules213 (5:45:03 PM): they are not "we dont care for bugs bears"
reservedrules213 (5:45:04 PM): lol
I YourRegrets I (5:45:11 PM): yeah they are
I YourRegrets I (5:45:15 PM): that was just too long
I YourRegrets I (5:45:19 PM): so they abbreviated.
reservedrules213 (5:46:30 PM): you dont get to decide the history of the name of the care bears
I YourRegrets I (5:46:46 PM): you don't get to decide the emotion of the pictures printed on my bed linens.
reservedrules213 (5:47:00 PM): neither do you
I YourRegrets I (5:47:10 PM): i sure as hell do.
I YourRegrets I (5:47:13 PM): i paid good money.
I YourRegrets I (5:47:17 PM): i own them.
I YourRegrets I (5:47:21 PM): they are mine.
I YourRegrets I (5:47:23 PM): therefore,
I YourRegrets I (5:47:25 PM): i know what they feel.
reservedrules213 (5:47:37 PM): if i pay good money for a whore i dont get to decide her emotions
reservedrules213 (5:47:40 PM): lol
I YourRegrets I (5:47:43 PM): i am the only person who has ever slept there
I YourRegrets I (5:47:48 PM): that's so not the same, loser.
reservedrules213 (5:47:53 PM): who says
I YourRegrets I (5:48:01 PM): me.
I YourRegrets I (5:48:03 PM): and i rock.
reservedrules213 (5:48:31 PM): you dont get to decide when something is the same'
I YourRegrets I (5:48:41 PM): okay. look.
I YourRegrets I (5:48:47 PM): are whores and care bears the same things?
reservedrules213 (5:48:48 PM): where?
I YourRegrets I (5:48:48 PM): no.
I YourRegrets I (5:48:53 PM): therefore, it's different.
reservedrules213 (5:48:56 PM): they are still a product
I YourRegrets I (5:49:00 PM): no.
reservedrules213 (5:49:03 PM): that can be bought
I YourRegrets I (5:49:03 PM): whores are still people.
I YourRegrets I (5:49:16 PM): you buy some time and some ass. you don't buy the whole person. you don't own them.
reservedrules213 (5:49:28 PM): you dont own the care bears
I YourRegrets I (5:49:36 PM): yes i do.
I YourRegrets I (5:49:44 PM): i paid for them, they are mine, nobody else sleeps there.
reservedrules213 (5:49:54 PM): you are only gonna sleep with them for a while until you get sick of them and buy something new to sleep with
I YourRegrets I (5:50:12 PM): no. i will sleep with them forever and ever.
I YourRegrets I (5:50:15 PM): i <3 my carebears.
I YourRegrets I (5:50:25 PM): and even if i don't sleep with them forever, that doesn't make them any less mine.
reservedrules213 (5:50:31 PM): well what if i <3 my whore
reservedrules213 (5:50:38 PM): i could keep her for ever
I YourRegrets I (5:51:14 PM): nope. you couoldn't.
I YourRegrets I (5:51:24 PM): she'd have to agree to it
I YourRegrets I (5:51:30 PM): and want you to keep her forever
I YourRegrets I (5:51:39 PM): the care bears are inaminate objects that i have purchased
reservedrules213 (5:51:40 PM): so u are saying you arent giving the care bears a choice?
I YourRegrets I (5:51:52 PM): they don't have a choice.
I YourRegrets I (5:51:58 PM): they were purchased.
reservedrules213 (5:52:19 PM): what if i just tell her im giving her money to buy her forever
reservedrules213 (5:52:21 PM): then what?
I YourRegrets I (5:52:41 PM): you really enjoy fighting with me, don't you :-P
reservedrules213 (5:52:52 PM): your just sayign that because i am right
I YourRegrets I (5:52:52 PM): because this is probably the most like, illogical fight ever.
I YourRegrets I (5:52:58 PM): no, you're completely not right
I YourRegrets I (5:53:03 PM): whores and care bears are completely different
reservedrules213 (5:53:20 PM): you are the one that sleeps with care bears...i dont even have a whore
I YourRegrets I (5:53:36 PM): it's a good thing that you don't have a whore.
I YourRegrets I (5:53:41 PM): and my care bears are freaking awesome.
I YourRegrets I (5:53:44 PM): i am proud of them.
reservedrules213 (5:54:15 PM): so that means you can control their emotions
I YourRegrets I (5:54:31 PM): when was the first time you saw an inanimate object have an emotion
reservedrules213 (5:54:41 PM): ha....i win
I YourRegrets I (5:55:00 PM): how the hell did you win that
I YourRegrets I (5:55:08 PM): you just lost
reservedrules213 (5:55:16 PM): I YourRegrets I (5:46:46 PM): you don't get to decide the emotion of the pictures printed on my bed linens.
reservedrules213 (5:47:00 PM): neither do you
I YourRegrets I (5:47:10 PM): i sure as hell do.
reservedrules213 (5:55:23 PM): you just contradicted yourself
reservedrules213 (5:55:26 PM): therefor i win
I YourRegrets I (5:56:06 PM): youre a nerd.
I YourRegrets I (5:56:13 PM): you're jealous because you want carebear sheets.
reservedrules213 (5:56:17 PM): you said u get to contol their emotions (implying they have them)...and then u said didnt have any
reservedrules213 (5:56:36 PM): you are just saying i am jealous to get of the subject that you lose
I YourRegrets I (5:56:59 PM): i love the way you always try to tell me what i'm thinking.
I YourRegrets I (5:57:01 PM): :P
I YourRegrets I (5:57:02 PM): lol.
reservedrules213 (5:57:07 PM): i didnt
I YourRegrets I (5:57:11 PM): okay well i have a choir rehearsal at 6.
reservedrules213 (5:57:15 PM): you totally said both og those things
I YourRegrets I (5:57:20 PM): yeah so maybe i did.
I YourRegrets I (5:57:23 PM): lol.
reservedrules213 (5:57:27 PM): so...i win
I YourRegrets I (5:57:27 PM): but now i have to go.
I YourRegrets I (5:57:29 PM): <3.
reservedrules213 (5:57:29 PM): say it
I YourRegrets I (5:57:31 PM): whatever. loser.
I YourRegrets I (5:57:33 PM): byeeeeee
reservedrules213 (5:57:48 PM): avoiding your problems doesnt solve them!!!
I YourRegrets I is away at 5:57:48 PM.
reservedrules213 (5:59:00 PM): and she runs....

Auto response from I YourRegrets I (5:59:01 PM): mark doesn't win. i'm at choir practice. <3 yeah.

reservedrules213 (6:00:22 PM): aww...she is in denial
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