NaNoWriMo plans.

Oct 31, 2011 20:50

I have none.

Well, wait, that's not entirely true. I don't believe in writing 50,000 words of fiction in a month because a) I could be far more productive elsewhere, b) I need to be far more productive elsewhere, and c) I don't feel like writing original fiction at the moment.

Instead, I'm setting myself something that'll challenge me far more, and accomplish so many things I wanted to do.

By the end of November, I will have:
1) Drafted the first chapter of my thesis, and be well on my way to a second chapter.
2) Started writing fanfiction for Christmas gifts (if you want something, leave a comment).
3) Written another piece of Matrix fanfiction.

This is my writing for the month. It'll only be about 20,000 words or so, but they will be 20,000 researched, polished, and good words.

writing, writer's block, matrix

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